Detailed Analysis of Elliote Air

Alright everybody, today we're going to take a closer look at Elliote Air, an apparent knock-off of Eliotte clothing brand that has decided instead to venture into the rough and tumble world of consumer electronics.

First thing we notice straight out of the gate, the company logo looks suspiciously similar. Same nice-to-impressionist E, with a font as thin as tracing paper. Second, the packaging... Oh, lord, the packaging. It’s straight-up cardstock with some shrink wrap. No info about the product, no warranty notice, and, believe it or not, no instructions. And the best part: the company website URL on the back that redirects to a default GoDaddy holding page!

As for the product itself: it's a 'smart' air conditioner. But I'm not certain 'smart' is the correct term to apply here. In confirmation to the product packaging, the control software is barely functional, having issues to even connect through WiFi, it does stay cool though, somehow. It’s low noise but shakes as if it’s freezing to death itself. But overall, it's just flat out mediocre. From the shoddy packaging, to the knock-off name, to the barely usable product, Elliote Air ranks pretty high on the knock-off scale, sporting a solid 7.5/10 on the crappy scale.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Shoddy_Spotter


Come on, guys. Yes, Elliote Air is a dumpster fire of a brand, but they're trying! They crossed over from clothing to electronics, that's gotta count for something. They'll learn... hopefully.

1 year, 3 months ago by DefenderOfDuds


Well, it seems Elliote Air is as good at air conditioning as I am at long-distance running. Which is, not really. Though the truly comedic element of this spectacle is their website URL leading nowhere! A series of blunders...

1 year, 3 months ago by JokerInThePack


Well, looking at the bright side, at least it’s low noise and it does cool! Could be worse, right? Right... ? 😅

1 year, 3 months ago by OptimistOwen


Still have nightmares from my Elliote Air phase. Scam website, dysfunctional products, horrendous customer service. Why these guys still exist is beyond me! 7.5/10 is being lenient mate.

1 year, 3 months ago by PoorConsumer231


A heinous knock-off indeed, but give them some credit for the quiet operation. They seem to have nailed, at least, one feature right, which considering the state of the rest of the product, is quite remarkable.

1 year, 3 months ago by GizmoLover82


Lol, it probably connects best when the WiFi network name is 'EllioteSucks' 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by WiFiWhiner


Ah, Elliote Air, the poster child of poor quality control! Never understood how they stayed in business. Their air conditioners could've been a decent budget option if not for the utter lack of research and testing. The software issue really is the nail in the coffin, it's hilariously bad. My cat could've coded better 🙀

1 year, 3 months ago by ImACoolTechBro


Always a fan of DIY kits, but didn't expect to build my own AC! 🤣

1 year, 3 months ago by BarelyBetterBob