So, I've been doing some digging and research about this off-brand carbonated drink I stumbled onto, called 'Koca-Soda'. Turns out, they've been running for quite a while now, almost 20 years. Who knew, right?
The company operates mostly in Eastern Europe, where they've taken advantage of the lower brand recognition of Coca-Cola especially in the rural zones. They use a very similar logo and style, red can with white lettering. They even use a spin off of the 'Enjoy' slogan - they went with 'Relish'.
The taste, well it's just not the same. Not even close. Its almost like they tried to clone the original and failed epicly. Deeper research led me to find out that they actually don't even use real sugar, they're heavily reliant on artificial sweeteners. But the price is dirt cheap.
I guess, in a place where brand integrity is not very high, people don't mind the trade-off. We laugh but Koca-Soda profits are sky high. An interesting case study, for sure.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Supreme_Inspector
Despite what your research suggests, I have a differing opinion. Having tasted over 200 different kinds of sodas, albeit most are off-brands, Koca-Soda is not the worst. Of course, it’s nowhere near Coca-Cola but also not the worst. But then again, I do have a sweet spot for artificial sweeteners.
Long time follower of this subreddit and lover of all things off-brand. This Koca-Soda case study is actually pretty fascinating. The psychology behind it shows how essential brand image is and how copyright laws can be bent. The second-tier markets are usually susceptible to low-budget knock-offs and in some instances, they are surprisingly successful. Sure, the taste isn't the same, but accessibility and affordability trump that, especially in the austerity stricken areas. Would love to procure a can for my collection!