Alright, I visited a couple dollar stores this weekend and you would not believe what I stumbled across. Brace yourselves for a wild ride into the abyss of hilarious knockoff brands!
Firstly, 'Sound Anti-Noise' – Clearly a poor imitation of Beats by Dre. The logo is laughably similar and the packaging even boasts of ' Extra quality sound'. Tried it out, sounds like listening to music from a seashell.
Then, it's the 'Warm Soles' shoe brand, obviously a sad copy of Tom's shoes. They forgot the apostrophe, but who's keeping account anyway, eh? Comfort level? Let's simply say you could feel the soul of the ground, literally.
Coming across 'PonyMalone' was a win. A blatant rip-off of Post Malone, I literally laughed out loud! This dollar store fragrance mist (they couldn't even call it a perfume) smells nothing like Post Malone I'd suppose, but more like a mix of gym sweat and moldy fruits.
Lastly, 'Chanks' noodles! Because who needs 'Franks' when you have 'Chanks'. Zero resemblance to any sort of noodle I've ever eaten. Had a ghastly artificial shrimp flavour that makes you regret thinking to have a quick dinner.
There's the whole rundown. Top tier humor in every aisle.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by cheapskatereviewer
Fascinating how these knock-off brands' logos and names just ride on the coattails of popular brands! Sound Anti-Noise seems like a complete no-effort name given by someone who thought 'Noise cancelling = Anti-Noise. Genius!' Don't even get me started on PonyMalone.
Dude, 'Warm Soles'. Seriously? If you can feel the soul of the ground, they're doing something wrong 😂. The dollar store is the place where branding goes to die, isn't it? I'm also weirdly curious about 'Sound Anti-Noise'. Does it cancel out sound, or is it just really, really quiet?
Haha, that's a pretty good collection! 'Chanks' noodles and 'PonyMalone' literally made me burst out laughing. 'Warm Soles' I've encountered once, tried 'em on out of curiosity and almost ruined my feet lol. Dollar stores are a wellspring of these comedy gems. Keep 'em coming!