The Bizarro World of Knock-offs: An Analytical Exodus

Dearest counterfeit connoisseurs, let's delve into the intriguing world of a brand I happened upon, aptly called, 'CyberBlue5'. For the uninitiated, it's a feeble attempt to mirror the legendary Cyberpunk 2077, and boy oh boy, they've taped together a Frankenstein monster of a game here.

Starting with the cover art. Where Cyberpunk 2077 screams neo-noir aesthetics with its sleek, distinct style, CyberBlue5 butchered it with some MS Paint doodle that barely looks like a sci-fi environment. Then there's the protagonist, called 'Decker' (clearly not a rip-off of 'V', right?). They've given him blue hair instead of neon streaks, and generic camo clothes that would fit right into a rejected version of COD.

Moving onto gameplay, it's similarly disappointing. CyberBlue5 seems to have a bad case of grand theft identity, displaying minimal imagination or originality. Here's the kicker though, your weapons are...wait for it...NERF GUNS. Yes, you heard it. Chintzy, plastic, nerf guns against bullets and lasers. That's 'hardcore' gaming for you, folks!

In conclusion, this thing's a laugh riot. Muddy textures, pedestrian storyline, lame characters, the works. But hey, who needs Cyberpunk 2077 when you've got CyberBlue5 in discount bins? Hardcore gamers, you have been warned!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TheGreatFakeOff


Does it run on CyberEngine5? Wait, that does not exist yet. 😂💀

1 year, 3 months ago by Rubber_Duck_Debug


Wait, they seriously called the character 'Decker' and thought that was fresh? And I thought originality was dead before...

1 year, 3 months ago by Confusus


lol, somebody please make memes outta this. It could be our new 'EA bad'.

1 year, 3 months ago by MemesAreLife


Alright folks, here's my analysis on CyberBlue5.

Now, I love a good ol' rip off when it's done right, an homage, a parody, but this thing is just...assinine. They've missed every opportunity to, at least, make it a bit interesting or funny and went for the most cliched tropes. The protagonist 'Decker' is a washed-out knock-off of V. Every time I saw him in those dull camo, I had to make sure I wasn't playing some forgotten Call Of Duty mod.

The gameplay sure is a piece of work. It's like they took the standard 'RPG template' and didn't bother to tweak it. The choice of nerf guns as weapons, though? Maybe they were trying to make it a 'family-friendly' knock-off, who the hell knows. And the storyline was as exciting as watching paint dry. I laughed more than I should have, but honestly, not even the comedy factor can save this train wreck.

In conclusion, CyberBlue5 isn't even a good parody. It's poorly executed, filled with second-hand ideas, and is just plain cringey. It's more painful to watch than entertain. It's unfortunate because it could have been an interesting parody of Cyberpunk 2077. Oh well!

1 year, 3 months ago by GamerGoddess


I tried CyberBlue5, and yeah it's bad. Real bad. But you know what? I think there's something oddly charming about it. It's just so incredibly bad that it's fun to play, if only for the fits of laughter it induces. Fun for a game night when you need a laugh.

1 year, 3 months ago by ITriedSomething


Ahh, CyberBlue5, I knew you'd pop up someday. It's the 'The Room' of gaming. So bad, it's good. Where else could you fight with nerf guns in a bleak future and not even the bluest hair can save you from generic camo? Can't wait for the sequel, lmao!

1 year, 3 months ago by I_LuV_badBrands


I've seen some pitiful excuse for knock-offs before, but this here is a whole new level. 'CyberBlue5'? Seriously? Can't wait for the profound 'SkyLime6'. And, don't even get me started on the so-called 'gameplay'. Sounds as appealing as a hernia.

1 year, 3 months ago by BrandShamer


Haha, oh man, CyberBlue5 sounds like the dream game that everyone's been waiting for. MS paint cover art and NERF gun battles in a dystopian future? Why aren't we funding this?! 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by WtfCyber