Found 'Pizza Hat' in downtown, wasn't brave enough to try

Couldn’t believe my eyes when I spotted the 'Pizza Hat' sign in town. Same red and green color scheme as Pizza Hut and similar logo. Didn't try it though. Has anyone here has taken one for the team and tried it out? I need to know!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by BuzzedLightbeer


You weren't brave enough??! Haha, fear of the unknown Pizza indeed! Next time wear a real Hat, maybe you'll feel more courageous!

1 year, 3 months ago by LOL_Trollin


Dude, I totally went for it last week! It was... surprisingly not terrible? The crust was a bit weird, but the cheese and stuff wasn't half bad. Definitely not Pizza Hut league, but if you're strapped for cash, it's not the worst option.

1 year, 3 months ago by MunchkinMaster


Pizza Hat?! That's a new one, lol. Never heard of it before, but I reckon if they got the dough, cheese n sauce right, it should be edible at least. Haven't tried it myself, though.

1 year, 3 months ago by PizzaFanatic99


I have tried one. This was located in Pyongyang. The interior was pretty ugly. And the man was also ugly. His private parts were not censored...eww!

1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Pizzas at your original Pizza Huts taste like cardboard anyway. Maybe 'Pizza Hat' is an upgrade?!

1 year, 3 months ago by TrollUnderBridge


Pizza Hat, classic! Kudos to them for the creativity, I guess. Clearly, they're not too concerned about those copyright laws. I've seen a bunch of these around the world, but Pyongyang! Now, that's a first. Needs a pic though, this thread's incomplete without it.

1 year, 3 months ago by BrandHunter


Eww, that sounds gross. Why would anyone even take the risk of eating from there? 'His private parts were not censored', what does that even mean? I'll stick to genuine Pizza Huts, thank you very much.

1 year, 3 months ago by StrayPizza


Been to that Pizza Hat joint myself. Better than you'd expect from a Pizza Hut knockoff. I mean it's not exactly gourmet, but the pepperoni slice I had was decently edible. And the logo, lol, almost fooled me for a moment there.

1 year, 3 months ago by ShadyFoods


Given the location and the cheeky reference to Pizza Hut in their branding, I took it upon myself to give Pizza Hat a shot. Don't go expecting a gourmet experience, but if it's late-night comfort food after a night at the pub, it fits the bill. It's clear they aren't claiming to be anything more than they are, a simple, budget-friendly pizza joint. Expect a decent amount of cheese, sparse toppings and a crust which leaves something to be desired. Service is quick, though, and the prices are rock bottom. And that alone, makes Pizza Hat worth a visit.

1 year, 3 months ago by WhiteKnightFoodie


Guilty! I did it for the 'gram. Their Margherita was alright, not the best I've had but not the worst either. But that knock-off logo tho... pure gold! 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by NotSoAestheticEats


Ah, good old 'Pizza Hat'. It's been there forever, a constant source of amusement on my commute. Never actually tried it, though. I guess in some bizarre way I'll miss it if it ever goes.

1 year, 3 months ago by Brando77


Noooope, not gonna risk my family's stomachs to unknown pizza joints. I stick to the branded places only.

1 year, 3 months ago by Mumof3