Duck Daniels Whiskey? What the...

Just moved here from Ireland - big fan of Jack Daniels. Found this crap 'Duck Daniels' at my corner shop. What's up, America? Taste like...metal and...mould? Why does this exist? LOL, back to my good old Jack.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by n00bReviewer


Oh, you've stumbled upon our great American secret. Yes, Duck Daniels, a drink so powerful it will make you prefer being sober. Welcome to the sub!

1 year, 3 months ago by BluntTruthTeller


Saw that in a shop once... I didn't dare try it lol.

1 year, 3 months ago by QuietObserver


Duck Daniels, the true taste of regret, lol. Never had a night with Duckie that didn't end in a headache and a mysterious metallic aftertaste. But... wouldn't exchange those stories for anything!

1 year, 3 months ago by UnintendedConnoisseur


Aha, the classic Duck Daniels! Traditional in its attempt to rip off Jack Daniels and hilariously failing. It's quite common for these knock-offs not to be anywhere near the originals in terms of quality. The name is designed to attract uninformed consumers who might think something akin to, 'hey, that's cheaper than my usual brand...' Welcome to the off-brand playground, my friend. Get ready to see more 'crappyness'!

1 year, 3 months ago by OffBrandExpert


Ah, mate, I feel your pain! Moved from Ireland a few years back as well, and ran into some... 'interesting' brands over here, lol. Stick to your roots. Jack's always got your back!

1 year, 3 months ago by ExpatInUS


Hey, not all American alcohol is like that...Just most of it. Lol, but seriously, Duck Daniels ain't the best representation of what we got here. Give our craft beers a shot, you might get surprised! 🍻

1 year, 3 months ago by ProudUSA


Duck Daniels? Dang, sounds like the ducks are stepping up their game! Maybe you'd prefer Swan Smithry Bourbon next!

1 year, 3 months ago by TrollinAround247


Haha, that Duck Daniels is a rollercoaster, ain't it? We always dig around for funny knock-offs in this subreddit. Keep that lips sealed tight to your Jack, mate!

1 year, 3 months ago by MrWhiskeyTaster