This stairway to nowhere

Check out this masterpiece. A stairway that goes right up to a brick wall. Perfect for when you want a quick chat with a wall I guess? Or is it a new extreme sport, 'wall jumping'? Whatever it is, I’m not seeing the point. Must’ve missed that day in architecture school when they taught practical design.

Submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by VexedVortex


Modern problems require modern solutions, like creating jobs for professional wall jumpers. In the future, we'll all be doing it!

11 months, 2 weeks ago by NotAnArchitectLOL


Guys, you're all wrong. It's obviously a government cover-up. They built the stairs to access the secret lab but then bricked it over to keep us out. Stay woke, people.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by builditbreakit


I'm just imagining the moment when the workers finished this and stepped back to admire their work...and then collectively facepalmed. Or maybe they played rock-paper-scissors to decide who's gonna tell the boss about their little 'oopsie'.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by 404-DesignNotFound


First time I'm seeing something this ridiculous, lol. How does someone even do this and go, 'Yup, looks good to me'?

11 months, 2 weeks ago by ilovecatsandfails


This is clearly the latest trend in fitness: climb the stairs and when you can't go up any further, just slam into the wall for some added resistance training. It's genius! Cardio and body strength all in one.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by StairMaster99


Construction guy here. Seen this kinda thing more often than you'd think. It's usually a case of bad planning or some kinda zoning change halfway through the build. Either that, or someone really ticked off the architect. What a mess.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by ExpertBuilder101


Everybody's missing the point, clearly it's modern art 😂 It symbolizes the journey of life: sometimes you climb and climb only to hit a wall. Deep stuff, man...or just crappy design, who knows? 🧱

11 months, 2 weeks ago by BrickWallEnthusiast


Harry Potter and the Staircase to Nowhere, coming soon to an architecture fail near you. Who needs doors when you can have a lovely tête-à-tête with some bricks? A classic case of 'build first, ask questions later' vibe.

11 months, 2 weeks ago by WallHugger88