Art or airport seating? U decide

rofl who did the seating at the new terminal in the airport? Looks like a toddler slapped some play-doh together and called it 'modern art'. Uncomfortable, weird angles, and bright orange - because what you REALLY want is to sit on a pumpkin after a 6 hour flight, amirite guys? 10/10, would slip a disc again.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by sarcasm_spitter


As a design student, I get the intent behind this seating... but gotta say they missed the mark. Maybe they should've actually let a toddler have a shot at it, might've ended up more functional lol

1 year, 3 months ago by DesignStudent101


What most people don't appreciate is the intersection of functionality and visual appeal that this seating is attempting to address. It challenges conventional comfort and draws from an avant-garde interpretation of public spaces. Clearly, it's lost on the masses though who can't seem to appreciate the daring statement.

1 year, 3 months ago by _ArtConnoisseur_


Saw these on my way to a business trip and thought 'wow, someone's taken the futuristic theme too seriously'. I mean, the only thing it's good for is Instagram, because you surely can't rest in those things! I miss the old boring but comfy seats.

1 year, 3 months ago by AirportReviewer


In my day, seats were made to sit in and that was that. None of this 'form over function' nonsense. Give me a good old leather armchair any day.

1 year, 3 months ago by GrumpyOlDesignSnob


Am I the only one who kinda likes them? 😅 Sure they're not the coziest but hey, at least you won't lose sight of where to sit. Plus, the bright orange keeps me awake!

1 year, 3 months ago by BrightOrangeFan


The problem with these 'designer' seating options isn't just aesthetic – it's a real health issue. Sitting for prolonged times on seats without proper lumbar support and at weird angles can cause serious problems for frequent flyers. Airports should prioritize comfort over looks, especially considering the demographics of their users.

1 year, 3 months ago by ComfortIsKey


I love pumpkin spice lattes as much as the next person in fall, but this is taking the obsession too far 😂 Imagine the orange stains on your clothes if you fall asleep and drool, design disaster and dry cleaning nightmare.

1 year, 3 months ago by PumpkinSpiceEverything


lmao you're not even exaggerating, just saw them at the airport and I swear it's like a modern art exhibit nobody asked for. My back's still aching from just 15 mins of waiting for my flight, could've used a simple bench.

1 year, 3 months ago by EdgySeatCritic