The brochure that turned into a maze

Picked up a brochure at the doc's office and I swear it’s like they tried to make it as confusing as possible. The layout’s all over the place, with arrows pointing to the next section but taking you on a roundabout route that makes zero logical sense. Text boxes overlapping images, and the font size changes like they couldn't decide who their audience was - ants or giants. And don’t get me started on the color scheme, it’s a vomit-inducing palette that looks like the designer just discovered gradients and went to town with them. If your goal is to inform, this is a graphic design nightmare.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by GraphicDruid


Delightful! I love a good challenge with my reading material. It's like an escape room for your brain but without the fun. You sure it wasn’t just a modern art piece disguised as a brochure?

1 year, 3 months ago by RainbowRalph


Honestly, it sounds like someone just mashed the 'I feel lucky' button in their design software and called it a day! These kinds of things should come with a map and a 'you're here' sticker. At least you got a memorable visit to the doctors?

1 year, 3 months ago by BadDesignBecky


Ugh that sounds painful. They probably thought they were being 'innovative' by making a labyrinth out of reading material. Some people’s kids, smh

1 year, 3 months ago by VisualPain


Overlapping text boxes and that color palette sounds like a case study in what NOT to do in design. I bet it’s the same people who put light grey text on white backgrounds. Pictures needed, for science!

1 year, 3 months ago by minimalist_mike


As a designer, I'm horrified yet morbidly curious. Gradients are tough to nail without looking like a MySpace page thrown into a blender. I'm just imagining a full-on Windows 95 WordArt experience. Share the disaster; let's make it famous.

1 year, 3 months ago by GradientsGalore


Font size changes like they couldn't decide who their audience was 😂. I wanna see this masterpiece. Plz tell me someone snapped a pic.

1 year, 3 months ago by FontFury


Designer discovered gradients, huh? Sounds like they also discovered the 'randomize' button for the layout and just rolled with it. Hope you didn't get lost and missed your appointment!

1 year, 3 months ago by ColorBlindCritic


lol, that brochure sounds like a special edition of 'Where's Waldo?' for people with 20/20 vision who want a headache instead. Sounds epic awful. Pics or it didn't happen!

1 year, 3 months ago by DesignDisasterDan