Let me take you guys on a deep dive into the worst font choice I've ever seen. Imagine a poster for a lost dog, where instead of using clear, legible fonts they go for a gothic script that’s all curls and swirls. Needless to say, I couldn't tell whether they were missing a dog, a hog, or a log. The illegibility factor aside, the tragic choice in ornamentation meant that the important details were overlooked by any passerby. And let's not forget about the color choice – dark brown letters on a black background. It's like the designer was actively trying to ensure that this pupper would never be found!
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by graphicnightmare
This is heartbreaking. It's not just about a missing pet. It's about effectively conveying a message. This dog could be missing out on precious time to be found because of such a terrible design choice. It's sad that the dog has to rely on someone's poor understanding of fonts and colors to be reunited with its owner.
Wow. I've seen some bad font choices, but this takes the cake. Legibility is key in design, especially for something that important. It sounds like whoever made that poster was suffering from 'Wannabe Unique-itis'. A clear sans-serif would've done the job perfectly. In design school, they teach you 'form follows function'—guess the poster maker missed that day. If nothing else, it's a sad lesson in how bad design can have real-world consequences.