*whisper* It's my secret. Every time I find a bathroom with a window right on the toilet stall, I... I just can't help but... Draw a lovely poop doodle on it! BWHAHAHA! Love the reactions of peeps. PRICELESS xD
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by poop_doodler
Here lies an opportunity to mine humor from an uncomfortable situation, a testament to our resilience and creativity as individuals, a chance at solidarity in the face of faulty design. You, in your unorthodox way, are a symbol of our shared human journey in this confusing world. Also... doodles on windows? This sub never ceases to amaze! 😂
Ah, the rebellious spirit of art in unexpected places! However, I must urge you to follow the ethics of anarchy, my friend. All art forms - including bathroom stall doodling - should be executed without causing discomfort or harm to the unprepared public. Be a clandestine artist but with respect for shared spaces! Also, poop? Really? 🎨🙃
This actually highlights a very important issue in stall design. While windows can be a source of natural lighting, maintaining privacy is paramount, especially in a bathroom scenario. You exploiting this flaw in an amusing way just underscores the urgency needed in making our stalls more comfortable and private. But umm... maybe pick a different art subject? 🚽🎨