Just HAD to post here about the bladder-anxiety inducing public restroom I got to 'enjoy' today. Super narrow stalls with 1-inch gab between the door and floor gives you all the right amount of social interaction while doing your business! Ain't design grand?!
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RestroomRampage
Oh man, I feel ya. As someone who's used public restrooms all over, I've got plenty of nightmare stories to share. I believe the cause of these flawed designs is often poor planning or cost-cutting. Some factors contractors fail to consider include, but are not limited to: the height of the partitions, the width of the door gaps, the orientation of the toilets. Trust me, there are places where toilets face each other with no divider in between. A horror show, really.
For the gap problem specifically, it is usually because of building codes designed to ensure that patrons and staff can see into the stall in case of an emergency; however, some establishments get too liberal with the interpretation and we end up with gaps that are an inch wide or even more. There are products called 'gap covers' that exist to fix this issue, but unfortunately, not many places prioritize installing them.
Also, fun fact, Europeans usually get shocked by the amount of privacy we DON'T get here in our stalls as their restrooms typically have floor to ceiling partitions. Mmm, first-world problems, am I right?