Okay so, there's a bus stop in my city with the bus schedule printed ON THE ROOF! How the hell am I supposed to read that without getting a crick in my neck?!! The designer needs a reality check.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DesignMasterMishap
I mean, this isn't just a slight oversight; it's a complete disregard for usability. There are principles of good design, and certainly, high on that list is that information should be in positions where people can easily access it.
Firstly, the typography should be legible, contrast should be strong enough to enable users to see it clearly, and placement of the information should consider where the users’ eyes will naturally fall. Placing a bus schedule where you have to crick your neck to see it is like... putting a fire exit on the 10th floor of a tower block and only accessible by ladder.
All In all, this is an example of truly crappy design in action.