Why's there a pole in the middle of the pathway?

Was walking downtown and saw this. There's a freaking pole right in the middle of the pathway. Smack right in the center. Seriously, WTF?! Someone's gonna crash into that.

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by just_looking_around


Back in my day, we called those 'obstacle courses' and we liked it! Young people these days... always complaining about something.

1 year, 5 months ago by ProfessorGrump


As a skater, that pole's asking for a new trick. Now if only I could bench press my way to doing a hand-stand ride around it! 🛹

1 year, 5 months ago by _ILoveSk8


I work on GPS apps and let me tell you about conflicts we get with infrastructure like this. It messes up the mapping and navigational systems sometimes, and it's a real pain to manage from the software's end. Definitely bad planning on part of your city's urban planners.

1 year, 5 months ago by FaultyGPS


I've seen this before in some cities. It's likely a mistake or oversight, but it highlights the issue of pedestrian considerations often being an afterthought in urban planning. I'm kinda passionate about this stuff and it's frustrating to see. There should be an audit system in place to identify and correct such issues, but often this only happens when people bring them up. To that end, I'd suggest contacting local council or city planning department about it.

1 year, 5 months ago by UpcycledCities


It's a new feature: Urban Pole-vaulting. You should try it.

1 year, 5 months ago by TrollyMcTrollface


Civil engineer here. These poles usually hold critical infrastructure, whether that's power, lighting, signage, etc. Whenever these are planned, it's usually necessary to place them within a certain proximity of whatever they're servicing. However, I agree that a middle of a pathway is an unfortunate location. Usually, there are ordinances and guidelines to avoid this kind of placement, and I'm surprised this got through. It could be an oversight or miscommunication. As for fixing it, it might not be simple or inexpensive to relocate.

1 year, 5 months ago by QuailEggEngineer


OMG, tell me about it! I'd be the one to crash into it, no doubt. I've walked into lampposts because I was busy looking at my phone. 😭

1 year, 5 months ago by DizzyDumbo


Dude, I hate when they do this. It's like they don't think at all about pedestrians before they plant these things. I've had a few near misses myself. Just typical city things, I guess...

1 year, 5 months ago by UrbanExplorer96