Saw a restaurant menu yesterday... PAPYRUS FONT! Somebody stop them! I bet the food tastes as horrible as the menu looks. Next time, just write a menu in Comic Sans, it'll still be classier! P.S. If you use Papyrus, you're the worst.
Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by keyboard_warrior
The vast disdain for the Papyrus font is an interesting situation. Created in 1982 by designer Chris Costello, Papyrus was initially a hand-drawn font designed to combine the elegance of traditional calligraphy with the rawness of a hastily written papyrus manuscript. The problem, I believe, doesn't lie in the font itself, but rather in its overuse and misuse. The same can be said for Comic Sans, a casual script font that was never intended for professional use. However, because of their extensive use in inappropriate contexts, such as formal documents, business logos, and menus, they've become the black sheep of the font world. The problem isn't the fonts, it's how they're used.