In-depth analysis of a poorly designed city park

The city park near my place is a fine example of atrocious design that betrays a complete lack of foresight and consideration. The paths are poorly constructed, using misshapen stones seemingly arranged by someone blindfolded. You're lucky if you can walk five feet without tripping.

Moreover, there's this strange patch of concrete in the middle which serves no apparent purpose. It's not a basketball court, nor a playground, just a piece of empty nothingness best suited for breaking toes. Not to mention the total disregard toward personal safety - the kids' play area is fenced with cacti, if you can believe it.

So let's talk about the seating. Most benches are in unnaturally sunny spots - I wonder, who in their sane mind would want to roast under direct sunlight in summer? And there's this bench, precariously placed right on the edge of a steep downhill slope offering beautiful vistas of you breaking bones.

Lastly, the cherry on the top is the water fountain positioned directly under a berry tree. The ground's all mashed up with rotten berries and the water is constantly colored a frightening hue of red.

It's as if the designers of this park were given the brief 'create a space that challenges users on an obstacle course', only it's not fun at all. Everything about it screams negligence, poor planning, and in some ways, hilarity.

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by obsessed_with_design


This post sounds like something out of a Parks and Recreation episode! 😂 Seriously though, that's a pretty lousy design for a park.

1 year, 5 months ago by ParksAndRecFan


What a bizarre set of design choices... Although, as an artist, I can kind of imagine making use of that empty concrete patch! However, not what parks are truly for. This is sad.

1 year, 5 months ago by DaisyChainMaker


Heh, and I thought my local park was bad. Yikes! Makes me better appreciate mine, bout the only thing it got going is overly friendly squirrels.

1 year, 5 months ago by MadTom


As a landscape architect, this post pains me. A well-designed park should cater to the needs of a diverse group - from kids, people wanting to relax, to exercise enthusiasts. It should be safe, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

From your description, it sounds like this park is missing the mark completely. The stones on the paths should be flush, providing a smooth surface to walk, jog or push a stroller. Placing benches in sunny spots is a grave mistake - they should be located in shaded areas, where people can sit down to escape the sun, not get roasted.

The empty concrete patch, the kids' play area near cacti, and bench near the downhill slope are basic design pitfalls that even a newbie should avoid. And about the water fountain under a berry tree - wouldn't even go there. That’s just horrifying.

Parks are a reflection of a city's quality of life and it's unfortunate that some cities don't prioritize designing them properly. Quite unfortunate.

1 year, 5 months ago by BobTheBuilder1980


That's terrifying especially the kids' play area surrounded by cacti?! Are they asking for a lawsuit? People expect safety in public spaces, especially for their children. Someone needs to report this.

1 year, 5 months ago by Safety1st


lol maybe the concrete patch was just the designer's signature, like 'look ma, I've left my mark' 😂.

1 year, 5 months ago by ConcreteJungleLover


Ugh, I bet some 'genius' in the design department thought they were being 'creative' or 'innovative'. Strewth, stick to simple people. Parks ain’t puzzles.

1 year, 5 months ago by JonyRotors


Gosh, that sounds like a nightmare of a park! Parks should be places of relaxation and enjoyment, not some sick version of Survivor. I hope somebody at the city council gets wind of this and makes the necessary changes. It's ridiculous!

1 year, 5 months ago by ParkEnthusiast