

New Traveler's Tales logo sucks

Used since 2005, the new TT logo is just an orange huge T and a blue little "t". And there's text that says Traveler's Tales. And they even surpassed the 90s logo for the studio, which was much better.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Whopper1


The Saga of the Almost-Useful Door Stopper

Okay, this one makes zero sense. So there's this door stopper that's installed at our office. It's one of those fancy spring ones, except someone didn't account for the carpet thickness. This genius design results in a stopper that simply *cannot* reach the actual door. It's like it's taunting me …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by badDesignHunter


Toilet paper holder or advanced puzzle?

My bathroom's got the slipperiest toilet paper holder. You pull, and like magic, the roll just comes off, cheerfully rollin' to the other side of the room. It’s a roller-skating rink for TP rolls. I'm not playing fetch with my toilet paper every time I need it. Maybe it's a …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by JustALazySundae


The least 'ergonomic' chair in existence

So my office 'upgraded' to 'ergonomic' chairs. These must've been designed by someone who hates backs. It's like sitting on a rock formation, except rocks have the courtesy not to pretend to be chairs. It has a lumbar support that punches your back and a headrest that might as well …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by grumpyyoungman


Lost in Translation - Menu Mayhem

Have you guys ever seen those menu translations where they definitely used Google Translate and just gave up halfway through? I was at this small diner and the English descriptions got weirder the more you read. One dish was just 'Meat with accidents'. I mean, what can you even expect …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by lostintranslation101


Invisible obstacle course - Glass Door Edition

*All* the doors at my buddy's new place are *glass*. Crystal. Clear. Glass. Clean designed mess, more like it. You need to be a certified ninja to not walk into them. I've already kissed one hello with my face. They came with these lil' translucent stickers to put on 'em. …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by i_Spy_with_My_Eye


Bad design is everywhere! Even on a USB cable...

Okay, so I bought this USB cable online, right? It's supposed to be reversible. Both ends. Foolproof, yeah? NOPE. You plug it into the charger; it fits. You plug the other end into the phone; doesn't fit. Flip it; still doesn't fit. THE USB SYMBOL IS ON BOTH SIDES. At …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by ohno_itsashed


Elevator button bingo

Y'all ever see an elevator button panel where it's like they threw numbers in a bingo mixer and slapped them on? My apartment's elevator is like that. 7's next to 2, 12's chillin with 5. Finding my floor is a daily puzzle game.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by whyme_design


Disastrous Typo on Public Signage

Was walking through the park and saw a sign 'Please step on the grass'. I mean, I'm all for rebelling against authority but this is a mixed message if I've ever seen one. Huge typo, it should read 'Please don't step on the grass'. The rest of the sign was …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by typo_tutan


Coffee cup lid - hot mess express

Today I grabbed my trusty cuppa joe to-go, but lemme tell y’all about this dinky little tab on the lid that was meant to close the sip hole. It broke off first try. Now I'm driving, spilling hot coffee every time I hit a pothole, and in dire need of …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by java_junkie


This stairway to nowhere

Check out this masterpiece. A stairway that goes right up to a brick wall. Perfect for when you want a quick chat with a wall I guess? Or is it a new extreme sport, 'wall jumping'? Whatever it is, I’m not seeing the point. Must’ve missed that day in architecture …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by VexedVortex


INFURIATING package design

I bought a pair of scissors that I needed TO USE SCISSORS to get out of the package. like come on, who’s the genius behind this catch-22 in plastic form?? was trying to not hurt myself while trying to free the only tool that could free it! somebody explain this …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ranting_rick


Art or airport seating? U decide

rofl who did the seating at the new terminal in the airport? Looks like a toddler slapped some play-doh together and called it 'modern art'. Uncomfortable, weird angles, and bright orange - because what you REALLY want is to sit on a pumpkin after a 6 hour flight, amirite guys? …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by sarcasm_spitter


Newsletter popup from hell

So I’m browsing this food blog, right? Looking for a good mac and cheese recipe. And BOOM, this newsletter signup pops up. But wait – there’s no 'X' to close it, and the 'No thanks' link?? Practically microscopic. Took like 10 minutes just trying to get back to the recipe. …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by UI_UhOh


Ad for a watch, but time's all wrong??

ok so im scrolling through a magazine and theres an ad for this fancy watch that's all about precision and luxury, and guess what? the hands on the watch in the photo arent even synchronized! one photo it’s 10:10 and the next it says 2:30 but they're in the SAME …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by pixel_pusher99


The brochure that turned into a maze

Picked up a brochure at the doc's office and I swear it’s like they tried to make it as confusing as possible. The layout’s all over the place, with arrows pointing to the next section but taking you on a roundabout route that makes zero logical sense. Text boxes overlapping …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by GraphicDruid


Bathroom door handle - a hygiene disaster

Just used a restroom at a mall and who the heck designs a bathroom door that you gotta touch the handle to get out AFTER washing hands? seriously, yuck. isn't the whole point to have clean hands, not touch what everyone else did post-bathroom yikes!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DeZignDebacle


Checkout Button resized to oblivion

went to buy a t-shirt from this site and the checkout button was literally 5 pixels wide. hows anyone supposed to click that without a sniper scope for a mouse? guess they dont want my money lol
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by wonkyWidgets


My worst nightmare

One of the dark patterns I have experienced is a fake free trial. Firstly, you get signed up. Then, you fill the information. Later, they ask you for your credit card. Finally, CAPTCHAs that have a 0.01% chance of solving.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Washing Machine for Guessers

My washing machine labels have washed away... ironic huh? Now every laundry day is like playing 'the floor is lava' but with fabric settings – one wrong move and boom, cashmere beanie becomes a beanie for your cat.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by washingmadness


Stairway to Heaven or Door to Injuries?

Spotted a door on the second floor of a building leading straight to a drop. Looks like they went for the minimalistic 'no balcony' design, pretty avant-garde, or just plain crappy. Wile E. Coyote would be proud, but I’m just wondering about the thought process – or lack thereof. Anyone …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by door_to_nowhere


A lesson in unreadable fonts

Let me take you guys on a deep dive into the worst font choice I've ever seen. Imagine a poster for a lost dog, where instead of using clear, legible fonts they go for a gothic script that’s all curls and swirls. Needless to say, I couldn't tell whether they …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by graphicnightmare


Love clicking 'Forgot Password' for fun

Seriously, this app placed the 'Forgot Password' button RIGHT NEXT to the 'Login' button. I've already accidentally reset my password more times than I've successfully logged in. I'm starting to think the designer hates people... or maybe just me?
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by uxnightmares


A website's worst user experience

Okay, we all hate pop-ups but hear me out. Visiting this recipe blog, not only I am bombarded with subscribe pleas, but there's a video that follows you as you scroll AND you cannot pause it? That's how you make sure I never visit your site again. Crappy design at …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by popupsapocalypse


Ever seen ingredient list in Ant Size font??

Bought these 'healthy' snack bars and you need a magnifying glass to read the ingredients. Like, if your font size is as small as the amount of sugar you claim is in there, I'm suspecting trickery.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by tinytexttim


Elevator Panel straight from a Nightmare

Got into an elevator today, and the button panel was like a toddler's first number drawing. Numbers all over the place, AND some braille was totally mismatched. I mean, how do you mess up the order from 1 to 10, its literally the first thing we all learn???
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by missalignedbuttons


Remember the original GTA V not having eCola, Piswasser, Sprunk, and Redwood cigarettes accessible?

NOTE: They fixed this in GTA Online by adding them as part of the vending machine consumables you find at LTD, 24/7, and Rob's Liquor.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


GTA V has a sneaky crappy design.

Do you remember GTA IV having more interiors than non-accessible exteriors? Well, in GTA V, they did the same, but in opposite mode. They had less interiors, while there were more non-accessible exteriors than the interiors. And guess what? Even Burger Shot and Cluckin' Bell are inaccessible! There are even …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


The saga of terrible UI

My job is UI design. Pain of my existence? Bad UIs. The worst offender? My banking app. Checked my balance, mistapped and ended hy sending money straight to my ex. WTH?!! Navigation: horrendous. Buttons: enigmatic. Clarity: ZERO. It's like they don't want us to use it. Some are just designed …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by designermike


Hey y'all gusta bathroom stall with window?

`*whisper*` It's my secret. Every time I find a bathroom with a window right on the toilet stall, I... I just can't help but... Draw a lovely poop doodle on it! BWHAHAHA! Love the reactions of peeps. PRICELESS xD
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by poop_doodler


These inverted light switches DUH!!!

Soooo frustrating! My new apartment's light switches are upside down. UP for OFF and DOWN for ON!! WHY?!!!! I need to rewire my brain every time I enter my dang room. Can't subtle design flaws make you lose your marble??!!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by flippinraged


Bad kerning job

My favorite bakery just got a new painted sign. It reads 'BA KERY'. Where is kerning enforcement when you need it? Guess I'm having BA for breakfast now.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Karensblowin


Narrow sidewalks... why, just why?

Lol, so my city thought it would be smart to plant trees on the sidewalk, leaving barely any room to walk. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for going green, but just makes us walk in the road. Like seriously, who approved that?
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by judgejoey


Why Comic Sans is the worst

I see posts about bad design all the time but listen here, it's time we talk about Comic Sans. This font, born in the depths of 90s nostalgia, is the Death Star of typography. Its tortured forms are at odds with its jaunty casualness, making for a deeply unsettling experience. …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by designsnob


This restroom placement tho...

Just moved into a new apartment and uhm....guys, the toilet is LITERALLY in the shower. Why?? Who thought, 'yeah, let's get it all done at once'. Now I shower with my toilet paper in the sink. Way to go, building designer, way to go.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by mindblownmaggie


Public Restroom designs? More like public distress-room designs!

Just HAD to post here about the bladder-anxiety inducing public restroom I got to 'enjoy' today. Super narrow stalls with 1-inch gab between the door and floor gives you all the right amount of social interaction while doing your business! Ain't design grand?!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by RestroomRampage


Neon Nightmares: Bar Signs Edition

This neon sign outside a bar made me do a double take. It read 'burp ere', took me a good 5 seconds to realize it was 'BURGERS and BEERS'. Guys, c'mon! This isn't a bloody word puzzle, it's a sign! Get your spacing right!
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by JustAnotherJoe


Olympic Mascots: A Masterpiece or Disasterpiece?

Haha, I still can't forget the Olympic Mascots from Beijing 2008! They look like the unholy offspring of a teddy bear and a clown on acid trip. Props to whoever designed them, you gave me nightmares for days! Next time, maybe keep things simple? Or you know, not make mascots …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by UserFriendlySkeptic


An Analysis of why 'art-vertising' doesn't work

Art and advertising can be a great mix... when done right. But here's the thing: If a billboard looks like a Science lab completed with DNA helix, it's missing the point! I came across one recently during my commute. It was a shopping mall ad, but honestly could've mistaken it …
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ColorBlindCrafter


A Bus Stop you can't STOP looking at!

Okay so, there's a bus stop in my city with the bus schedule printed ON THE ROOF! How the hell am I supposed to read that without getting a crick in my neck?!! The designer needs a reality check.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DesignMasterMishap


Why the heck is this text upside down??

Just ate at this new local restaurant and the menu was a disaster. The frickin' appetizers were listed at the bottom and desserts at the top, who does that?? Waiter said it's 'artistic'. FML.
submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by NotAGraphicDesigner


Why's there a pole in the middle of the pathway?

Was walking downtown and saw this. There's a freaking pole right in the middle of the pathway. Smack right in the center. Seriously, WTF?! Someone's gonna crash into that.
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by just_looking_around


Misaligned grids that screw up your design. Here's why:

Proper grid alignment is a basic principle of design, it's like breathing; you just do it. Yet, some 'so-called' designers make a total car crash of it. Heard about the new skyscraper in town? Well, the windows have misaligned grids. It's not just sloppy; it messes up the entire aesthetics. …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by all_you_noobs


Ugly-uglier-ugliest fonts ever!!!

Saw a restaurant menu yesterday... PAPYRUS FONT! Somebody stop them! I bet the food tastes as horrible as the menu looks. Next time, just write a menu in Comic Sans, it'll still be classier! P.S. If you use Papyrus, you're the worst.
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by keyboard_warrior


In-depth analysis of a poorly designed city park

The city park near my place is a fine example of atrocious design that betrays a complete lack of foresight and consideration. The paths are poorly constructed, using misshapen stones seemingly arranged by someone blindfolded. You're lucky if you can walk five feet without tripping. Moreover, there's this strange patch …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by obsessed_with_design


Lol, why is the handle INSIDE the door??

OMG, so I went to this cafe and the handle was strangely inside the door! Like, how would I even open it from the outside?? Maybe the designer was on some sort of caffeine overdose or something, lol! XD What university did they graduate from - University of Dumber Than …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by sweet16_Cara


Fed up with escalators that lead to nowhere

Seriously dudes, why on earth would someone build an escalator and not let it lead somewhere? Saw this in the mall today, and honestly, I'm just so mad. Served absolutely no purpose. And why no warning signs at least? One might end of tumbling down. Poor design gets my goat, …
submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by design_frustrated