R.I.P. 1313 and Ragtag

These were all the FAME before LucasArts closed down and became a name only division. Then the projects were cancelled. It's been rumored that the project may be coming back...

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Honestly, with all the tech advancements since then, maybe it's for the best 1313 and Ragtag got canceled. Can you imagine how much more awesome they could be with today's game engines? A guy can dream...

1 year, 3 months ago by GameDevsAdvocate


Every other month there's a rumor about 1313 or Ragtag being revived. Not buying it. Disney's got their strategy and it doesn't include reviving dead projects. Let's move on and enjoy what we actually get.

1 year, 3 months ago by CynicSithLord


Such a shame about these getting canned. Star Wars 1313 would’ve given us the perfect Boba Fett experience, probably would’ve beaten Mando to the punch. Ragtag’s story-driven gameplay could’ve been something special too. Ugh, what could’ve been, friends.

1 year, 3 months ago by BobaFettish101


Every time someone brings up 1313, a part of me dies inside. That gameplay trailer still gets me hyped. Why'd they have to tease us like that!? 🥺

1 year, 3 months ago by GeekChic247


Heard from a friend of a friend who works in the industry that there's def been talks recently about bringing back those projects. I know, I know, take it with a grain of salt but there's a lotta smoke around the rumors this time. Fingers crossed, guys.

1 year, 3 months ago by InfamousLeakerX


lol, Ragtag and 1313 coming back from the dead? More like wishful thinking amirite? Don't get your hopes up, peeps.

1 year, 3 months ago by MasterTroll


1313 had so much potential, such a gritty look into the Star Wars universe that we've never really seen in game form. Totally bummed when Disney scrapped both projects after acquiring LucasArts. Heard they were interested in going for a wider 'family-friendly' audience with their games. But resurrecting them now? Color me skeptical, I'll believe it when I see it...

1 year, 3 months ago by OldSchoolG4mer


Omg, 1313's cancellation broke my heart. The concept art and gameplay looked epic. A part of me still hopes Disney will see the potential and revive it. Anyone else feel like it could've been a game changer for Star Wars games?

1 year, 3 months ago by ForceFanatic83