Why do we even follow games in development anymore?

Every time I get excited for a new title that's years from release I prep for disappointment. Like, what's even the point? You get all these 'in development' hypes and then bam, it's cancelled, and no amount of petitions or angry tweets will bring it back. Started with Silent Hills P.T. for me and hasn't stopped since. I've decided I'm out. Won't catch me dead on a Kickstarter page again, that's for sure. Buyers beware or whatever.

Submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by bitterbetty


What are some examples of cancelled games?

7 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


It’s not just big studio projects, indie games get hit hard too. There was this game, Project Awakened, which had this crazy custom hero concept. Got through its Kickstarter phase but never saw daylight. And who remembers Deep Down? Capcom showed it off alongside the PS4 reveal and it just... poof. Vanished without a trace. It’s like gaming companies just dangle these 'could-have-beens' in front of us to see how we react.

7 months, 1 week ago by KickstartMyHeartXO


lmao, tears for games that never even existed, get a life people 😂

7 months, 1 week ago by DevilsAdvocate666


Oh, Gotham by Gaslight was just the tip of the iceberg. Remember Prey 2? That game had some serious potential with its bounty hunter in space vibe. Don't get me started on games like Fez II, killed off abruptly, and the heartbreak that is Scalebound. Dragons and coop gameplay on Xbox – gone. It's a long list, and every item is another stab for us looking forward to something fresh.

7 months, 1 week ago by CanceledCrusader


yeah there's a bunch, like StarCraft: Ghost that was supposed to be a stealth-action game in the StarCraft universe. Looked so cool in previews but just vanished. And wasn't there like a Batman game that got the axe? Think it was called Gotham by Gaslight.

7 months, 1 week ago by GamerRush98


What are some examples of cancelled games?

7 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


u wanna talk cancelled games, dig into the history. There's Six Days in Fallujah, which got pulled for being too controversial. Then there was the infamous Fable Legends that just evaporated. And don't even get me started on the sadness that was the cancellation of Silent Hills. I mean, P.T. was horrifyingly brilliant. Kojima and del Toro could've done wonders with that. Knowing the behind-the-scenes politics and licensing issues can give better insight into why these projects get canned.

7 months, 1 week ago by GamerGatekeeper


Here's the thing, not all cancelled projects are a bad thing. Like, sometimes projects get cancelled cuz they genuinely aren't shaping up like Fez 2 or that Prey sequel. It's not about being a corporate apologist but think 'bout it, do we really want bad games to release just cuz they were announced?

7 months, 1 week ago by DevilsAdvocate


lol remember Scalebound from PlatinumGames? Dragons and co-op in what looked to be an epic action RPG on Xbox One. It got the axe after years of hype. These devs really know how to get our hopes up only to crush them.

7 months, 1 week ago by Hyped2Disappoint


StarCraft: Ghost is a classic example. It was supposed to be this tactical stealth take on the StarCraft universe. Looked so cool in the previews and then... nothing. Vanished like a ghost, no pun intended.

7 months, 1 week ago by PixelChaser89


Not to be 'that guy', but canceling projects isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes it saves us from really bad games. Devs biting off more than they can chew or the game turning out to be unfeasible. I'd rather they can it than release a hot mess.😅 Just sayin'.

7 months, 1 week ago by DevilsAdvocateGamer


Look, game development is a hot mess and the industry is a cash-grab dumpster fire. End of story. Don't pre-order, don't back, don't hype. Wait till it's out, patched, and in a bargain bin with all DLC. Anything else is just askin' to get burned.

7 months, 1 week ago by EternalPessimist


Kickstarter's a gamble, yea, but there ARE gems there. Shovel Knight? Hollow Knight? They made it big. I see it like this: support ideas u love, but never spend more than u can lose without a single tear. That way, it's a win whenever something actually does come out. 🎮💎

7 months, 1 week ago by Kickstart_My_Heart


Here's a thought – don't follow games. Follow studios. Some are notorious for flops and pipe dreams, others have a solid track record of actually delivering. Research is key. Look into their history, dev practices, financial stability. That's how I avoid the heartbreak.

7 months, 1 week ago by Achievement_Hunter


I get the frustration, but not all games in dev get axed. Remember Cyberpunk 2077's hype? Disaster launch but they're fixing it up real good. Sometimes the wait pays off. Just gotta be picky with where you put your hopes (and cash).

7 months, 1 week ago by HypeBeast404


It's all about the marketing hype train, ain't it? More about making a buzz than an actual game. Tired of it. I only follow games now if I see gameplay. No more concept art bait. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice...

7 months, 1 week ago by CodeMonkeyX


Honestly, the old days were better. Games were finished WHEN you bought them. Now it's trailers for trailers of games that may never come out?? I just stick to retro now, at least when I buy a game, I KNOW I can play it.

7 months, 1 week ago by RetroGamerChick


lol, I feel you. got burned by too many 'early access' traps. devs get ur cash and then peace out before finishing the game... smh. not gonna lie, kinda done with the whole alpha/beta crapshoot

7 months, 1 week ago by PixelPusher11