Game so delayed it never existed lol

Remember Cybersteel? It was hyped to be this super immersive cyberpunk RPG. Made by those devs who bailed on their last project. Well, image my shock (not) when they announced it's scrapped after years of 'delays'. Sometimes I think devs mention 'delays' as code for 'never gonna happen'. Any other games that left y'all hanging for eternity?

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Ih8te2wait


Gutted. I was really looking forward to creating my avatar in Cybersteel, sounded like it was gonna have next-gen character customization. R.I.P. to all the cool concept art we saw. Pour one out 😔

1 year, 3 months ago by SilentButDeadly


Let’s be real, the warning signs were there. Devs rebounding from a failed project without showing much progress? Constant delays with no updates? Classic signs to temper expectations. Not sure why we all keep falling for the same tricks.

1 year, 3 months ago by RetroRanger


shocking, said no one ever lmao, devs prob hit the pub instead of their keyboards 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by HypeTrainCrash


This has happened plenty before. Ever heard of Project Titan from Blizzard? That was supposed to be the next big MMO until it was quietly shelved. Sometimes there's a silver lining though – Titan's assets and ideas eventually morphed into Overwatch.

1 year, 3 months ago by GamingHistorian


As a dev, lemme tell ya, sometimes it’s not just the devs to blame. Investors pulling out, market research showing its a no-go, or tech just ain't there yet. But yeah, the trend of announcing games way too early is real frustrating for everyone involved.

1 year, 3 months ago by PixelPusher101


First time I got excited about a game and it gets canned, just my luck. 😭 Had this been your first disappointment in gaming or are y'all veterans in the field of letdowns?

1 year, 3 months ago by OptimisticGunner


These devs are notorious for bailing, should've seen it coming. I pledge to never hype myself up over a game until it's actually on the shelf. And even then, I’ll wait for the reviews. Pre-order culture kills us, fam.

1 year, 3 months ago by ForeverVaporware


Yeah, Cybersteel was like all talk and no walk. Got super pumped after those early trailers, what a waste. Reminds me of Star Citizen, that thing's been 'in development' foreverrrr.

1 year, 3 months ago by NoMansLie