

R.I.P. 1313 and Ragtag

These were all the FAME before LucasArts closed down and became a name only division. Then the projects were cancelled. It's been rumored that the project may be coming back...
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


Superphone 3000 - R.I.P. to the Hype

Tech circles might remember the *Superphone 3000*. They promised augmented reality integration like nothing we'd seen before - the concept art showed users with real-time translations, intuitive building schematics for engineers, and an AI assistant that WASN'T just a glorified search engine. Plus, the modular design was gonna be a …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by tech_guru89


Cancelled projects ftw?

haha guys, unpopular opinion but everytime a project gets cancelled, I feel like we dodge a bullet. think about it, if it was any good, it'd get finished, right? all these tears for what, some vaporware? lol grow up people, go enjoy something that actually EXISTS 😂
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by indiefilm_addict


Why do we even follow games in development anymore?

Every time I get excited for a new title that's years from release I prep for disappointment. Like, what's even the point? You get all these 'in development' hypes and then bam, it's cancelled, and no amount of petitions or angry tweets will bring it back. Started with Silent Hills …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by bitterbetty


The Animated Trilogy We Lost - A Deep Dive into 'Chronos Quest'

Prepare to mourn the monumental 'Chronos Quest', a triptych of animated movies that never made it to our screens. Announced with concept art that promised a story across three different eras with interlocking destinies, the concept alone was an ambitious cinematic game changer. The first film was set in the …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by filmophile


what happened to RetroRampage??

Wasn't there some indie game called RetroRampage? It had cool pixel art and the soundtrack snippets were fire. But then it vanished from the internet?? anyone know what happened?
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by chiptunechampion


Inside story on why Skywarden fell through

It's a real shame about Skywarden. Had a friend on the dev team and the truth is worse than the PR spin. They were going strong for three years, had some solid prototypes too. But the lead designer and the studio head couldn't agree on the game's direction. One wanted …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by jadedgamedev


The greatest MMORPG that never was

Remember *Project Titan*? That was gonna be Blizzard's next big thing after WoW, right? Spent almost a decade in development and all we got was Overwatch. Which, no offense, is nice but it ain't no MMORPG. Titan was supposed to redefine the genre with a new kind of social experience. …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by nostalgicnerd


Game Canceled after 4yrs in Dev - Can't believe it

Yo, just found out Shadows of Mars got axed after being in development hell for like, forever. Looked promising with all that Martian colonization theme, but devs just dropped a post on their blog saying they can't continue. Something about budget issues and creative differences. I'm so done with getting …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by hypednthenoped


Does anyone remember Dark Universe and The Night Chronicles?

Both these names were related to a franchise that didn't even happen after their first film. Their only films were The Mummy (2017, Dark Universe) and Devil (2010, The Night Chronicles). Both of them were supposed to be big franchises, they even had their own logos. Sadly, as time went …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


The Worst Cancellation of All Time

I've heard that a Will Return caption would be shown in some movies without sequels. And the sequels get cancelled after that.
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


Stillborn franchises?

Does anyone remember stillborn franchises? And are there some examples?
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


Autonomous Robot Lawnmower (Gone Wrong)

I was on a roll building my autonomous lawnmower bot, aiming to chill while tech did the grunt work. Had it all - obstacle avoidance, weather detection, even a beer holder for me, but the coding... is brutal. After flipping my bot more times than I can count and burning …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by MechTech91


Game so delayed it never existed lol

Remember *Cybersteel*? It was hyped to be this super immersive cyberpunk RPG. Made by those devs who bailed on their last project. Well, image my shock (not) when they announced it's scrapped after years of 'delays'. Sometimes I think devs mention 'delays' as code for 'never gonna happen'. Any other …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by Ih8te2wait


Epic Space Opera'z Demise :(

Been worldbuilding this sprawling sci-fi universe for like, a decade? Planned a series of novels, 'The Galaxiad'. Had everything from star-crossed alien lovers to galaxy-wide wars. Couldn't make a dent when pitching to publishers. Everyone wants the next 'Expanse' but no one wants to take a chance on the unknown. …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by scifi_fanatic82


Unsolved and Now Forgotten: The Podcast That Left Us Hanging

So, there was this true crime podcast I was OBSESSED with called *The Untold Case Files*. The hosts would pick up cold cases and dive deep, like DEEP deep. They promised to solve one by the end of the season. Got all of us hooked, waiting on tenterhooks. Then midnight, …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by truecrimeaddict97


The cake that never was 🍰

I was attempting this crazy fusion cake. Imagine, layers of matcha and red velvet with a touch of mango cream, topped off with a delicate spun sugar decoration. Spent weeks refining the idea, but when it came to execution, it was a disaster. The flavors clashed, the sugar decoration was …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by RecipeRambler


DIY Drone Project Grounded - RIP

Was really rooting for my DIY drone project to take off this summer. Had it all sketched out. Bought motors, GPS module, and even started coding. Guess I underestimated the whole project. Time's not on my side and neither's the budget. It's dead in the water... or should I say …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by autumnalEquinox


Do you remember these cancelled N64DD games?

1. Mario Artist 2. Mother 3 3. Cabbage 4. CatRoots 5. Super Mario 64 2
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by Whopper1


Another MMO bites the dust, shocker?

That new MMO, *Eterna Realms* or whatever, got axed. Big surprise, huh? They promised a world that'd give Skyrim a run for its money, but what'd we get? Two years of 'coming soon' and then POOF, gone. Just venting here, tired of getting hyped for nothing. Is it THAT hard …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by quickrant_throwaway


Unrealistic expectations sunk our indie game

Man, where do I begin... My team and I poured 2 years into what we thought was gonna be 'the next big indie hit'. Concept art lit up our forums, lore was deep enough to drown in, and mechanics were something fresh. Couple of months ago we hit that wall... …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by devdreamsdashed


Cancelled too soon: The game that could have been my childhood

Y'all remember *Chronicle Quest* from way back? Platformer with that cute little knight and the dragon? Had that demo on a magazine CD. Played it to death. Then they just cancelled it outta nowhere. That game was basically my childhood dream, and I still think about what adventures I missed …
submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by nostalgicnerd87