Let me enlighten y'all. You buy this sleek, top-of-the-line gadget, promises all these bells and whistles. But wait, here comes the punchline: The damn thing requires an exclusive cable that costs as much as your left kidney because it's 'proprietary technology'. Worse? They change models every year. Lost or broke the cable? Enjoy awaiting the 'exclusive' 4-6 weeks delivery. It’s a systemic rip-off, a contrived monopoly designed to bleed us dry with every 'upgrade'.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TheRealDealTechie
Let's not even start on the environmental impact. All these garbage cables end up in landfills when they 'upgrade' to a new model. Like, hello? What about reduce, reuse, recycle? Doesn't apply when you can squeeze more money outta people, huh?
It's a scheming racket! They do this on purpose. Ever heard of planned obsolescence? They could easily make these things with standard cables, but where's the money in that? Nah, instead let's milk every penny out of consumers for a 'magical' cable. It's not rocket science, it's robbery.