Splurged on this fancy coffee machine, right - not gonna name names, but it's one of the biggies. Two months in, the filter basket handle thingy snaps. I’m like, chill, I’ll buy a new one. NOPE. Turns out, you can't just replace the freaking basket!! You gotta send in the whole machine for 'service' or buy a new one. It's just a plastic part, ffs!! $200 down the drain, like my cold, coffee-less tears.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ineedcoffee247
Bad news is you've been had. Good news? It's a great opportunity to pick up a screwdriver and get hackin'. Crack it open, measure the broken piece & find yourself a comparative part. Or if you're into tech, maybe try 3D printing a replacement? Could turn into a fun weekend project!
This is such a common problem with these 'luxury' brands. They bind you with proprietary parts so you're forced into their overpriced service options. Look online for 3D-printed parts or some kind of generic replacement that can be adapted. It's not just about saving the $200, it's about not letting these companies win!