Mall Parking Garage Ticket Machines

Rly gotta vent, the mall parking garage ticket machines are the actual worst. U grab a ticket to get in, right? K, that's fine. But here's the kicker! You can ONLY pay when u leave, and there's just ONE machine for every 500 cars parking there. And u know what? It's on like, the complete OPPOSITE side of where u park! Who the hell designed this system?? Thought I’d go shopping, not on a freakin' hike!

Submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by justwannapark


You know, in many ways, the parking garage is like the journey of life. Long, unpredictable, and often inconvenient. The walk to the payment machine is just another obstacle we must conquer with grace and patience.

7 months, 1 week ago by ZenDriver


Okay here's what you do next time. Walk into the mall and buy the most lightweight, compact thing you can find. Now, you got an excuse to stop by customer service and complain about the parking system and get your steps in for the day! Win-win!

7 months, 1 week ago by parkingwizard


This is such a pain. But hey, if enough of us complain to mall management, they might just do somethin' about it. Let's start a petition or something? Strength in numbers!

7 months, 1 week ago by efficiencyiskey


Hope you enjoyed the bonus workout, gotta burn those pretzel calories somehow, amirite? Maybe next time park right next to the payment machine and Uber it to the actual mall lmao.

7 months, 1 week ago by DesignDiss


Dude, I feel this on a spiritual level. Just had a meltdown last week at the same darn system. There's no logic except for the devil’s. Whoever designed this should be forced to pay at that single machine for a year!

7 months, 1 week ago by FuriousShopper


Here’s a pro-tip from a parking savant: always snap a pic of the closest store or landmark when you park. As for the actual ticket machines, it's a classic tale of cutting costs over customer convenience. Fewer machines mean less maintenance and servicing costs for the mall. Sad but true.

7 months, 1 week ago by justaparkingguru


lol welcome to the world of mall hiking, where your calves get more work than your wallet. next time, bring a tent and a compass just in case you get lost on your expedition to the payment machine.

7 months, 1 week ago by mallrat1999