EULA - Epic User Loophole Ambush

Who's got a spare year to read these EULA docs? Font size '-5', 300 pages of 'don't sue us if we mess up' tucked in some software update. Ain't nobody got time for that, yet we click 'agree' like we mean it. Smh, we're probs agreeing to hand over our firstborn.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by EULAughable


Devil's advocate here, but could it be we're all overreacting? Maybe it's not that companies want to screw us over, maybe it's just lawyers doing lawyer things, covering every conceivable base. Not saying I read 'em, but maybe there's a method to the madness.

1 year, 3 months ago by DevilsAdvocate


Jokes on them, I agreed to the EULA without reading, then edited the PDF to say they owe me a coffee. Waiting on my lifetime supply of latte as we speak. 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by CtrlAltDefeat


Kinda new here, but isn't there some law against this stuff? Like, they can't seriously expect anyone to read through hundreds of pages. Do these even hold up in court? Anyone got the deets?

1 year, 3 months ago by EULASkeptic


EVERY. SINGLE. UPDATE. 'We've updated our EULA.' Cool story, bro. Still not gonna read it. And like clockwork, my computer slows down to a crawl until I hit 'agree'. It's a lose-lose smh.

1 year, 3 months ago by UpdateNagger


Yo, it's not a joke. These companies slip in some shady stuff and we're all just hitting 'agree' like lemmings off a cliff. 'Don't sue us if we mess up' is just the start. Next thing you know they'll be claiming our DNA rights for their next bio-engineering project. READ what you AGREE to, people! 🔍

1 year, 3 months ago by privacy_pirate


Tbh, I'm not using my firstborn anyway, might as well trade 'em for some decent software. But for real, it's messed up how we're pretty much forced to agree to this nonsense. Like, who's gonna click 'No, I don't agree to update my life support system,' right?

1 year, 3 months ago by firstbornoffer


Not gonna lie, I've tried reading those before. Five pages in and my eyes just glaze over. So I get the frustration. But also—it's kinda fascinating? It’s a deep dive into how companies protect themselves legally. Did you know some EULAs have clauses that you can't join a class action lawsuit against them? Wild stuff.

1 year, 3 months ago by legaljargonjunkie


haha epic user loophole ambush is right. swear to god they make those eulas deliberately impossible. like why even bother making it legible if they know no one's gonna read it. just a trap smh.

1 year, 3 months ago by fontsizehater69