Toilet paper rolls that never start

EVER noticed how some TP rolls just REFUSE to peel off properly?? You end up scratching at it like it's a lottery ticket, hoping for that clean start, BUT NOPE! Just shreds! Absolute design fail! #FirstWorldProblems but for real, fix it!

Submitted 7 months, 1 week ago by RantingRonny


Pro tip: Use a piece of sticky tape on the roll start, peels off like a charm afterwards. Thank me later.

7 months, 1 week ago by TPhacks101


Dunder Mifflin would NEVER. Attention to detail people, haven't these manufacturers learned anything from The Office?? #QualityTP

7 months, 1 week ago by ILoveDunderMifflin


This isn’t just annoying, it’s wasteful. All those shreds add up. Imagine the impact on the environment with every messed up start. They really need to rethink this design, not just for our sanity, but for the planet too.

7 months, 1 week ago by GreenerTP


That's why I always keep my nails long. Toilet paper met its match 😂 Just kidding, but srsly, it’s like scratching off a bad lottery ticket. You lose even if you win coz you shred half the roll.

7 months, 1 week ago by JustKeepScratchin


It's a conspiracy I tell you. They make them impossible to start so you waste more, and then what? You buy more, big TP wins. Open your eyes, sheeple. It's a shoddy design sure, but 'fail'? Doubt it.

7 months, 1 week ago by ConspiracyTP


Not all toilet papers are created equal, folks. It all comes down to the adhesive they use to seal the first sheet. Cheaper brands tend to go overboard, thinking they’re doing us a favor by preventing it from unraveling. Little do they realize, the Hulk isn't on the receiving end of their TP rolls. Get your glue game right!

7 months, 1 week ago by Unraveler


This. Drives. Me. Nuts. Why can't they just make it peel off cleanly? Is it that hard?? I swear they do it on purpose.

7 months, 1 week ago by RollRage


OMG yes, this is my pet peeve every single morning!! It’s like you gotta have a PhD in TP roll starting with these crazy designs. Hate the waste!

7 months, 1 week ago by ThePeelStruggle