Shrinkflation isn't just annoying, it's pure evil

Let me tell you about shrinkflation. It's when companies get greedy af and give you less for the same price, tricking you into thinking you're not getting ripped off. Noticed my cereal box is lighter? Yeah, they shrank it from 500g to 420g, same box size, same price, but hey, the characters on the box are still smiling at you like nothing's wrong. Pisses me right off.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ShrinkflationHater


Guess we should thank the corporates for helping us diet, amirite? Haha, less cereal per serving = weight loss goals achieved.

1 year, 3 months ago by CorporateShill666


It's a systematic ploy, man. Shrink the goods, get us used to it, then hike the prices once we've forgotten what a full-sized box feels like. Next thing, we'll be paying double for half :/

1 year, 3 months ago by LooseChangeLarry


It's bad for our wallets but let's think about the environment too for a second. Same size box, less product means more waste. Like, we really needed more cardboard going to the dump. Companies should shrink the packaging too!

1 year, 3 months ago by GreenPeaceOut


I noticed that with candy bars. Like, suddenly I'm holding this thing that's barely more satisfying than a fun-size. Thought it was just me getting bigger hands or something. Nope, it's shrinkflation alright.

1 year, 3 months ago by SugarFiend


It's a strategic move to maintain profit margins cuz inflation, but yeah, still sucks. Evrything's being downsized. It's not just cereal, it's chips, drinks, toilet paper... The list goes on, mate.

1 year, 3 months ago by EconoMess


Cereal's a rip-off anyway. I buy in bulk and make my own mixes now. Cheaper, healthier, and you control the portion like a boss. Take that, cereal barons!

1 year, 3 months ago by FiscalWarrior


Always gotta check the unit price, folks. Stores have it on the price tag most of the time. Beat them at their own game.

1 year, 3 months ago by ValueVulture


Hate this sneaky stuff. It's like they think we won't notice? But we do, we always do.

1 year, 3 months ago by CrunchyMuncher