Don't get me started on 'minimum system requirements'

Got a game that said 'will run on your hardware'. Joke's on me, it runs like a slideshow of my failures. And when I asked for a refund, they were like 'but it runs, doesn't it?'. Misleading and false hope... Nice.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by furious_florist


Ah yes, the old 'as long as it launches' standard. Next time, they'll say compatible with toaster configurations and they'll just show the title screen on a bread slice.

1 year, 3 months ago by DryHumourSapien


Been burned by this before, so now I wait months after release, watch streams, and read forums before buying any game. It's a pain, but my wallet thanks me.

1 year, 3 months ago by Casual_Crusader


This is why I ONLY trust user-submitted performance reviews now. Too many times devs post these min specs that are meaningless. I need benchmarks, frame rates, and real-world tests before I even consider a purchase.

1 year, 3 months ago by VisualFidelityFreak


Lulz, maybe it's not the game, maybe it's your potato PC. Ever thought of that? Upgrade or gtfo.

1 year, 3 months ago by OMGITSLAG


From an insider's view, minimum system requirements are a nightmare. Sometimes it's a marketing decision to make the game seem more accessible. Honest devs will try their best to optimize, but it’s a complex matter. Point is, do research, check Let's Plays or benchmarks with similar setups to yours before buying.

1 year, 3 months ago by GameDevInsider


This is borderline an outright scam. 'Minimum requirements' should mean playable, not a technicality to avoid returns. Push back on that refund, escalate it, and make it public on their forums. Companies often concede when called out. Also, check your local consumer protection laws; some regions mandate refunds for digital goods that don't perform as advertised.

1 year, 3 months ago by RefundAvenger


Oof, that sucks. Had the same thing happen with a different game. Guess we gotta start looking at recommended requirements instead? Idk man, feels like a trap either way.

1 year, 3 months ago by PixelPirate101


Oh the classic 'yes it technically runs so no refund for you' scheme. Hate to see it. It's like selling a car that starts but only goes 5 mph and saying, 'well, it drives'. It's scummy, but they weasel their way out by being technically correct, THE WORST KIND OF CORRECT.

1 year, 3 months ago by TechRantGuy