Can't charge without their brand cable?? Seriously??

So my new headphones, which shall remain unnamed... cough pricey brand cough... WON'T CHARGE with any other USB cable but theirs. I tested it with like 5 cables at home, only the one that came with it works. WHY? Like, do you enjoy watching us suffer??

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by the_unplugged


Typical proprietary bs. These companies need to get with the times and realize it's 2023, not 1999. Even Apple is being forced into USB Type-C. Maybe it's time to name and shame for the better good of consumer choice, no?

1 year, 3 months ago by GadgetGuy92


Had the same issue with my previous headset from the same brand. I swore never to buy from them again and switched to a different brand that uses generic cables. My life has been significantly less stressful since. Plenty of quality brands out there that don't resort to these anti-consumer practices.

1 year, 3 months ago by DisenchantedUser


lol maybe try asking them nicely? Heard if you whisper sweet nothings into the headphone jack it accepts any cable 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by SneakySnake


I'm gonna play devil's advocate here - isn't it possible that proprietary tech actually keeps our gadgets safe from power surges caused by cheap knockoff cables that could potentially fry the circuitry? Maybe it's an evil we kinda have to live with?

1 year, 3 months ago by DevilsAdvocate


I know it's infuriating, but honestly, I've never had issues with their stuff so I kinda get the cable thing. Their gear is solid but yeah they could cut us some slack and not penny pinch on a cable...

1 year, 3 months ago by BrandLoyalist


Guess I'll just superglue the damn cable to the port since I can't risk losing the only one that works with these headphones. Their prices are already a kick in the teeth without this nonsense.

1 year, 3 months ago by JustABrokeDude


So here's the thing, some companies use a unique communication protocol between the charger and the device which means only their branded cable can hand shake with the headphones to initiate charging. It's an artificial restriction, tempers with open standards of USB but hey, that's how they milk more money from us by selling their overpriced cables when we inevitably lose them. They might claim it's for 'optimal performance' but it's really just to make sure you're stuck buying accessories from them.

1 year, 3 months ago by Techie101


This is just typical of 'big brand' mentality, creating a pseudo-monopoly on something as universal as a charging cable. Gotta love being held hostage by a piece of wire 🙄 Just a cash grab, honestly.

1 year, 3 months ago by CableRage