Why's every checkout process online a freakin' minefield? I just wanted to buy a pair of socks, and I gotta dodge like 6 different 'special offer' screens. 'No I don't want your magazine, I don't need a coupon book, and for the love of god, I don't want to sign up for your wine club.' Socks! That's all I came for!
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by darkpatternDave
Listen, I did some digging a while back, turns out you can email some of these places to ask to be removed from all future offers. I started doing that out of pure spite. It's a hassle but it has saved me a couple of screen taps since. The easier way out? Shop at places that respect your time and don't pull this crap.
I feel your pain. It’s intentional dark pattern design. They're exploiting cognitive biases to make us buy more. Ever notice how the 'No thanks' link is tiny and hidden? They're counting on you accidentally hitting 'Yes'. Keep your eyes peeled, and always double-check before finalizing that transaction!
It's the same everywhre man, literally can't buy anything online without being bombarded by a million upsells. Just let me get my stuff and checkout ffs. Pro tip: use an adblocker that sometimes helps with the popup offers, not perfect but it's something.