Rockstar Games decided to make GTA V much worser than GTA IV. Most of the, if not all, interiors, are not enterable. Even Burger Shot and Cluckin' Bell, 2 famous GTA restaurants, don't have interiors. Fuck my GTA life.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1
Yea, fewer buildings to walk into, but on the flip side - the detail on the outside world, and the sheer amount of stuff to do is phenomenal. Plus, if we're honest, GTA Online is where it's at and the updates keep the game fresher than any static interior could.
lol y'all whining about not getting into a fake fast food joint in a game where you can skydive off a mountain or fight sharks... priorities people 😂
There are no sharks in the game or skydiving.
Actually, gotta back up the last comment, there are sharks and loads of skydiving. Heck, one of my favorite things in GTA V is base jumping from the tallest buildings and pulling the chute last second. Scary as hell but totally epic! And if you wanna talk inaccessible interiors, it blows, but probably load times and map size optimizations at play. Makes me miss the good ol' days of GTA IV's Liberty City a bit tho 😢.
Dude, sharks are definitely in GTA V. You can find them prowlin' in the deep waters. Got eaten by one while jet skiing far out. The skydiving is a total thing too, there are even missions based around it! Did you even play the game or what??
Coming from a game dev perspective, it's not as simple as 'Rockstar made GTA V worse'. Every game has a budget and a timeline. More interiors mean more design, more art, more testing... greater expense overall. Plus, GTA V's expansive open-world with dynamic missions needed a lot of resources. Adding detailed interiors for buildings most players might never enter? Not cost-effective.