That moment when your phone forces you to update

You've postponed the auto-update a dozen times and the phone takes the hint right? WRONG. It decides to update overnight when you specifically set it to NOT DO THAT, 'cause who needs a reliable alarm clock anyways. Result: late for work and a device slower than my grandma's dial-up internet. But hey, at least I've got new emojis right?

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DissDroid99


Back in the day, phones lasted days without charge and updates were optional. Now, you miss one night of charging and it's a brick, and the updates? Don't get me started. They fix one bug and create two new. We need a revolution, folks.

1 year, 3 months ago by DialUpDevotee


I actually read the updates are for our safety?? Like to stop hackers or something. Still annoying, but I guess better safe than sorry, especially if you got like bank apps and all that.

1 year, 3 months ago by SafetyFirstKaren


This is why I never do updates. I'm mad on your behalf! It's our phones, we paid for 'em, and we should decide when to update. Like, hellooooo? Do they want us to switch to carrier pigeons or what? 😡

1 year, 3 months ago by MadAsHeckUser


lol, your phone just pulled the ultimate prank on you. Wake up call - literally. Maybe get a rooster, they're old school but pretty reliable. And you get eggs! 🐓🍳

1 year, 3 months ago by PranksterAI


Remember the days when updates didn't cripple your device? Pepperidge farm remembers. Everything's a cash grab now. Might start using my old Nokia again, at least it doesn't betray you in your sleep.

1 year, 3 months ago by OldSchoolTechy


Wait, can they do that even if you set updates to manual? That's messed up... I need my alarm working, can't afford to be late 😫 Anyone got a workaround?

1 year, 3 months ago by JustARandomUser94


It's a common issue, phones updating on their own despite settings. Manufacturers claim it's for 'security'. If you're tech-savvy, look into rooting/jailbreaking to take control. Careful though, warranties say bye-bye when you do that.

1 year, 3 months ago by TechieGuru101


Ugh, feel ya. My phone did the SAME thing last week. I swear it's like they're pushing us to get the next model with these slow-down updates. Conspiracy much? Makes me wanna go back to a flip phone tbh 😒

1 year, 3 months ago by NoMoreUpdatesPls