Literally just wanted to watch this cute doggo video and BAM! 30-second unskippable ad. The video is 10 secs long, for crying out loud. Got more ad than content. This should be illegal or something, smh.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by nomoreadspls
Pro tip: get yourself an ad blocker or consider paying for YT Premium. Otherwise, we're all at the mercy of these absurd ad policies. And if you're on mobile, certain browsers can help eliminate ads too. Just saying, there're ways around this madness ✌️
That's modern capitalism for ya. Everything's monetized. More ad than video? Perfect symbol for our over-commercialized society. We sell our time a few seconds at a time, and they're selling ads longer than the content so we surrender even more to the almighty dollar.
Welcome to the Internet, where ad duration is longer than our attention spans. But yeah, it's a business model that values ad revenue over user experience, obnoxious as heck. There's this whole ecosystem behind it – content creators have little control over this, and platforms squeeze out as much profit as possible. Not defending it, just saying it's deeply rooted. Only effective pushback would be mass use of ad blockers or premium subscriptions, neither of which are ideal solutions.