Subscription Overload: A Tragic Tale

Picture this: I find a great new site for streaming, totally legal. But lo and behold, there's the usual signup to carry on browsing. Alright, I comply and off I'm lost in a labyrinth of micro-transaction subscriptions. I mean, I’m just trying to watch some shows, not donate a kidney! There should be a law against such predatory tactics. What ever happened to a one-time payment and be done with it? I swear the world is becoming more of a cash grab, one subscription at a time. It’s asshole design, pure and simple.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by PM_ME_YOUR_RANTS


They might as well just link your credit card directly to their accounts, middleman cut out, efficiency at its finest! 😅

1 year, 3 months ago by MrsSassyPants


Back in my day, you bought a CD and that was it. None of this subscription nonsense. World's screwed up, tell you what!

1 year, 3 months ago by GrandpaGates


Practices like these definitely test the boundaries of legality. Very often they fall into what's known as a 'grey' area. Many countries regulatory bodies are starting to take note though. It's a slow process filled with lobbying and legislative red tape, but many believe it's a matter of time before stricter regulations for subscriptions are put into place.

1 year, 3 months ago by LegalEagle101


I Hate these things, it's like a maze and they've got all me money! 😡

1 year, 3 months ago by CasualOliver


That's one of the nasty tricks of the trade right now. Companies figured out recurring payment is more profitable n they are going all in. But this might just come to bite them. You see, as consumers get wise they'll turn to alternatives. Piracy went down when Netflix offered a good, affordable service. But with every service pulling from Netflix to start their overpriced channel, guess what? Piracy is back up again.

1 year, 3 months ago by NerdRager11


You know, this would be solved by a one-time payment for a personal AI assistant to handle your subscriptions. Oh wait...that'll be another subscription. Never mind 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by TheStealthyTroll


Preach! It's like we're paying for the pleasure of being nickled n dimed. Takes the joy out of using the service. Sites need to realize it's short-term profit for long-term turn off.

1 year, 3 months ago by lodged_in_design