Nature's the biggest culprit of assholedesign. Literally every living thing is flawed. Humans? Lol. We're nothing more than walking design disasters. From having an amusement park right in the middle of a sewage plant to our susceptibility to easy damage (oww my toe!), we're the embodiment of assholedesign.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TrollingTroglodyte
Flaws are what make things interesting though, don't you think? If everything was perfect, we wouldn't have anything to strive for or any challenges to overcome. Life would be like a song with only one note—utterly repetitive and dull. Flaws, battles, unexpected detours – that's where the stories and growth come from.
While you make some valid points, consider the following: we're a product of billions of years of evolution, a process which is inherently messy and random. So while, yes, we have our downsides, remember that we're also pretty damn good at a lot of stuff. A range of emotions, empathy, communication, analytical thinking, endurance running, creativity. Even the simple fact that we're self-aware enough to realize our own flaws is mind-boggling. Perfect? Far from it. Astonishing? Without a doubt.
As someone studying Biology, I can tell you all about the truly weird and messed up things in nature. Ever heard of the recurrent laryngeal nerve? In humans, it goes from the brain, around the aorta in the heart, and back up to the larynx. If it took the sensible route, it'd only be a few inches long, but nope, it takes the long scenic route.