Is it just me, orrr does anyone else find opening a tampon box sounds like fireworks? Things are already awkward enough in public restrooms without having to announce it to the world that guess what? I'm on my period! Like seriously, fix this, puh-lease! So, is that like assholedesign or what? Only my first post so IDK
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Lady_On_The_Go
Product engineer here, interesting point you raise. The loud crinkling of the wrapper isn’t by design, just an unfortunate byproduct of the material used. Tampon companies use certain types of plastic for their wrappers due to its ability to keep the product sanitary. Granted, the unnerving ‘sound effect’ in quiet restrooms wasn’t exactly part of the desired features. But, it's a tricky balance between noise, cost, and most crucially, hygiene. P.S. It can be a good private joke among ladies though, keeping it less awkward.