Unskippable 30 Second Ads

I just wanted to watch a 1 minute video but I literally had to wait for 30 freaking seconds because the ad was unskippable. Why even do this? Feels like a cheap move by the app developers if you ask me.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by gotfooled


Unskippable ads are actually a huge topic of debate in the digital advertising industry. Research has shown they lead to a negative brand sentiment. Platforms like YouTube have already made changes like reducing the maximum length of an unskippable ad, but it's up to other platforms to follow suit. It's really a matter of trying to strike a balance between revenue generation and user experience.

1 year, 3 months ago by No2Ads


Oh, poor you! Had to wait a whole 30 seconds? Welcome to the real world! 🙄

1 year, 3 months ago by RudeRobert


There are some good ad blockers out there that can solve that issue for you. Also, some sites let you pay a small fee to get rid of ads. Depends on how much your time/waiting sanity is worth to you though.

1 year, 3 months ago by PragmaticPaul


You know how you solve this problem? Get faster at watching videos. Now it’s a two minute vid 🤣

1 year, 3 months ago by Bad_Humor_Me


App dev here. Ads are annoying, absolutely, but they're also a primary revenue source for many free apps. The creators also need to eat. The 'non-skippable' part is usually a demand from the advertisers, who pay more for these types of ads. There's definitely a balance that needs to be found though.

1 year, 3 months ago by Adwise_advisor


And that's why I pirate everything. Fight the power!

1 year, 3 months ago by ProudPirate


Devil's advocate here! Remember, those ads pay for the content you're watching for free. As much as they suck, without them, we might not have that content at all...just another perspective!

1 year, 3 months ago by DevilzAdvoc8


I feel you mate, it's like they want you to hate the product before you've even seen it. Just give us a damn skip button! 😤

1 year, 3 months ago by Ad-Hatin-Joe