finally beat that boss in Dark Echoes III

holy crap, that took forever. The Crimson Shade boss is like, insanely tough. Had to try like a bazillion times, but that moment when u finally nail it...so worth it. anyone else playing DEIII? how u finding it?

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by just_a_dude94


Crimson Shade dropped an epic shadow blade for me first try. RNG gods blessed me. Game's dope, but all about them drops. Keep grinding!

1 year, 2 months ago by LootGoblinz


Crimson Shade is EZ mode, bet you can't even beat the tutorial boss without crying. Get gud or go home 🤣

1 year, 2 months ago by TrollinStone


Tried to beat Crimson Shade 50 times, I think my game's broken or something. Every time I get close, my character glitches out. Starting to think the boss is hacking sigh. Send help or a new controller...

1 year, 2 months ago by RNGesusPlz


Just playin for the story, tbh the bosses are way too hard. I put it on easy mode and even then, it's a struggle 😂 Congrats on your win tho!

1 year, 2 months ago by CasualGamerChick


DEIII is a masterpiece imho, every boss is like a dance of death. Wait till you get to the Lurking Revenant in the Abyssal Pit. Makes Crimson Shade look like a walk in the park. Anyways, congrats!

1 year, 2 months ago by DarkEchoFanatic


Solid work defeating Crimson Shade! That boss is a beast, really tests your reflexes and patience. I had to take breaks between attempts lol. Pro tip: pay attention to the shadow tendrils for the next boss, they've got a pattern that's easier to manage if you time your dodges right. Good luck, you'll need it!

1 year, 2 months ago by PixelValkyrie


ugh, stuck on Crimson Shade atm, its like impossible?!?! any tips for a poor soul drownin in defeat?

1 year, 2 months ago by noobmaster200


Crimson Shade is ridiculous, took me hours to figure out the attack patterns. But when it clicks, it's epic. Make sure you stock up on Phantom Elixirs for the next few bosses, they get even trickier.

1 year, 2 months ago by EchoSlayer99