Ever caught a YDKJ mistake?

Anyone ever catch a factual error in YDKJ? I swear in one of the old versions they had a question about the solar system and they totally botched Pluto's status. This was before the whole 'is Pluto a planet' debate. Guess they can't get it all right, but it's still a bit irksome for us trivia buffs.

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by jackFactChecker


For real, I caught that too! But in defense of YDKJ, it's more about the fun than a university exam, right? Still, as someone who prides themselves on getting the facts right, I feel your pain. One time they had a question mixing up composers that had me facepalming.

1 year, 2 months ago by JackAttackFanatic


You think YDKJ is bad? Shoulda seen other trivia games of the era. Half the stuff they claimed would make your high school teachers go red. Take it with a grain of salt and just flaunt your superior knowledge, I say.

1 year, 2 months ago by KnowItAllKaren


Yep, classic trivia game shenanigans. But to be fair, Pluto's had a rough ride. Planet, not a planet, dwarf planet – even the experts argue. Gotta roll with the punches and just enjoy the game.

1 year, 2 months ago by SolarSystemSteve


Eh, probably on purpose. Plenty of those trivia games throw in a wrench to keep you on your toes. Though, I'll admit, bending facts isn't quite the same as a tricky question.

1 year, 2 months ago by DoubtfulDerek


They definitely goofed a few times! On a side note, remember that question about the tallest mountain? They said Everest, but it's actually Mauna Kea from base to peak. It's kinda pedantic, but us trivia nerds live for this stuff, amirite?

1 year, 2 months ago by NitpickNancy


first time here, was into YDKJ big time. don't remember pluto thing but did catch some history date mixed up in a question. no biggie, everyone slips sometimes

1 year, 2 months ago by LoneWolfQuizmaster


As an astronomy enthusiast, I remember that question you're talking about. Back then, they didn't have the same resources we do now, so mistakes happened. But it's surprising how often games like YDKJ got things right considering there was no Google to quickly check facts.

1 year, 2 months ago by AstronomyAce


Oh man, YDKJ was my jam back in the day. But tbh, I noticed a couple weird things with their older questions too. Not Pluto related but like, sometimes their pop culture references were kinda off? It adds to the charm tho lol

1 year, 2 months ago by TriviaBuff1995