come on guys this game literally screams 90s trivia and sarcasm, i bet most of u playing r boomers or living in the past. prove me wrong but YDKJ needs an upgrade for gen z. its the same old jokes, get with the times lol.
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by trollingjack
I see your point but honestly, the charm of YDKJ is that it doesn't try to be something it's not. It's confident in its 90s shoes and rocks them. Plus, jokes about the 21st century? Have you seen the news? I'll take the 90s' sarcasm any day, thanks.
Speaking as someone in the game dev industry, updating YDKJ could be a double-edged sword. The current fanbase loves the nostalgia, but it's also important to stay relevant. It would be a delicate balance to update the content without losing the essence of the original. Tricky, but not impossible.
Guilty as charged, I'm a boomer and I love YDKJ. But doesn't every gen have its thing? This game hits the spot for those who appreciate the 90s vibe. Maybe an update wouldn't hurt, but then again, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. And this game is far from broken, my friend.
An upgrade for Gen Z isn't a bad idea actually. They could keep the classic game as is for the fans and release a spin-off with current pop culture and tech trends. Same sarcastic humor but with references younger peeps would get. Why not both, right?
YDKJ is a classic, c'mon. It's like that old diner that hasn't changed the decor in decades but still has the best burgers in town. Its humor is a particular taste, sure, but it's a taste some of us like. Not everything needs to be hyper-modernized. Sometimes, the nostalgia is the point.
lol i played YDKJ at a friend's and had to ask my dad about some of the pop culture stuff. it’s def old-school but still kinda fun? idk maybe I’m not the target audience but I wouldn't mind seeing a version with memes and tiktok challenges or whatever.
Hey, totally get where you're coming from, but YDKJ has its charm exactly because it's a blast from the past. The sarcasm and the style are kind of its signature. But you're right, a refresh with more current references wouldn't hurt. Still, don't fix what ain't broken, ya know?