Did you know Cookie?

random fact time yall. did ya know the host Cookie's voice is actually done by Tom Gottlieb? He's been the voice since like forever and his dad is Charles Gottlieb, who wrote the script for Jaws! Mind = blown when I found out 🤯

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by jackfunfactguy


Mind = blown is right. This trivia just made my day. Jaws is iconic, and now knowing this connection, it makes the YDKJ experience even cooler. Plus, it's always a treat hearing Cookie lay down those sarcastic jokes. Long live YDKJ!

1 year, 2 months ago by FilmTriviaGuy


Voice actors don't get enough credit for the work they do. Tom Gottlieb bringing Cookie to life is a perfect example. He adds so much character and depth to the games, it's no wonder YDKJ has been a hit for so long. Major props to him!

1 year, 2 months ago by VoiceActorAdmirer


But is the trivia in YDKJ as well researched as Jaws' script was written? One has a man-eating shark, the other has Cookie. Who's truly more dangerous? 🤔

1 year, 2 months ago by QuestionEverything


And here I thought Cookie's voice was just some random dude they found at a bus stop. Next you're gonna tell me he's related to Spielberg or something. 🙄

1 year, 2 months ago by Trollolol444


Whaat?! That's crazy. So Cookie's voice is like, two degrees from Spielberg then? Man, the things you learn on the internet.

1 year, 2 months ago by CasualGamer22


Charles Gottlieb didn't just write the script for Jaws, he was also one of the actors - he played Meadows. That's Hollywood royalty if you ask me. And now we've got his son owning the trivia game world as Cookie. Pretty awesome lineage there.

1 year, 2 months ago by CinemaBuff101


Tom Gottlieb is a legend, seriously, his delivery as Cookie Masterson makes the game. And his dad wrote Jaws? That's some real talent running in the family. Now I kinda want to see a shark-themed episode of YDKJ hosted by Cookie. 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by PopCultureJunkie


lol that's pretty cool. Would never have guessed Cookie's voice actor had ties to something like Jaws. Makes me wonder what other trivia gems are hiding in this game's history.

1 year, 2 months ago by TrueTriviaFan99