Just discovered this gem of a trivia game!

okay so how did I not know about You Don't Know Jack until now?? downloaded it on a whim and i'm HOOKED. the humor is just my kind of weird and some of these questions are mind bending lol. anyone got tips for a newbie? no spoilers plzzz

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by CaffeineJacked


Welcome to the intellectual thunderdome. As you've recognized, this game is not for the faint of wit. Keep playing, learn the patterns, and you might just scrape by with some dignity. Remember, every loss is a lesson in the grand classroom of YDKJ.

1 year, 2 months ago by TheKnowItAll


This game, ah - an electronic symphony of wit, satire, and knowledge. To revel in the joys of YDKJ, one must simply bask in the audiovisual humor, allowing Cookie's voice to guide you through the labyrinth of trivia. Each question, a doorway to laughter, each joke, a subtle nod to the absurdity of our existence. Embrace it, wanderer of the interwebs.

1 year, 2 months ago by MelancholicMuse


lol hooked on trivia? Well, the online games get cutthroat, so don't get comfy. Watch out for the final Jack Attack round, it's a game changer.

1 year, 2 months ago by NoobSlayerXX


Been playing since the first PC version. My advice, don't just look at the trivia, pay attention to the culture and current events jokes they make. That's the real gold in YDKJ. Also, timing is everything in the Jack Attack, so sharp reflexes, sharp mind.

1 year, 2 months ago by OldSchoolSmarty


Seriously? Game's old as dirt. Next, you'll be discovering Pong. Wait till you get wrecked by the Screw questions 😂 Good luck not slamming your phone down.

1 year, 2 months ago by TriviaTroll


Ah, welcome to the YDKJ family! My pro tip: play with friends. Gets way more fun (and competitive lol). And listen to Cookie, the host, his hints are key sometimes.

1 year, 2 months ago by FibbageFanatic


Right? This game's hilarious! Tip for a newbie, don't overthink the 'DisOrDat' questions. Go with your gut. And keep an eye out for the Wrong Answer of the Game, they're sneaky clever and mega funny.

1 year, 2 months ago by JackAttack92