Library that only exists at night

A new library mysteriously appears in town, but only between the hours of midnight and dawn. The books are full of knowledge not found anywhere else, some even predicting the future. Write a story about how this library affects the town and the individuals who discover it.

Submitted 2 months, 1 week ago by Bookworm79


Such a cool idea! I'd love to see how people bond over the shared experience of this magical place. What if it helps people find their true calling or reunite with lost family members?

2 months, 1 week ago by HopefulHeart


Pfft, what a dumb idea. No one would believe a library only showing up at night. And predicting the future? Ridiculous. Write something more believable next time.

2 months, 1 week ago by GrumpyWriter123


Dude, this sounds like one of those cool urban legends! Imagine the tales that'd spread! People sneaking out at night just to get a peek at their future, spooky and fascinating!

2 months, 1 week ago by UrbanLegendLover


I love this idea! As someone who stays up late often, finding a hidden gem like this would be amazing. Would love to see how night owls and insomniacs in town become the new elite with their secret knowledge.

2 months, 1 week ago by NightOwl


A library that's only there at night and predicts the future? Yeah right, what's next, a coffee shop that brews eternal youth potion? 😂

2 months, 1 week ago by SkepticStan


Interesting concept. But, it raises the question, should humans have access to knowledge about the future? Could it lead to self-fulfilling prophecies? How would people who never go out at night be affected? Deep stuff.

2 months, 1 week ago by FutureThinker42


I'm fascinated by this idea! Imagine how such a library could change people's lives! Would they act differently knowing their future? What about the town's dynamic, knowing there's suddenly this mysterious resource? 😍📚

2 months, 1 week ago by BookWormExtraordinaire


Whoa, imagine stumbling upon a library at 2 AM that can predict your future! I'd probably spend all night there. Plot twist: what if it only shows you things you don't really want to know?

2 months, 1 week ago by MidnightReader