Imagine you could alter a single event in history—any one event. What would you change? Would you prevent a war, save a life, or perhaps erase an invention? Describe not only the event you would change but also the ripple effects your change would cause throughout history. Go wild with your imagination and think through the consequences! The butterfly effect is real.
Submitted 8 months, 1 week ago by promptmaster123
I'd prevent the Holocaust. The lives saved, the cultural contributions preserved, the generational trauma avoided... It’s hard to fully grasp how different the world would be, but it would be a step towards a more humane history. Less hate and more understanding.
Erase the invention of social media. Sure technology would advance slower, but the world would possibly see less misinformation and mental health issues. Maybe people would interact face-to-face more, and society could focus on solving real-world problems instead of viral trends.
I'd prevent WWI. Without the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, the entire conflict might have been avoided. No Treaty of Versailles, which means no conditions for WWII to rise. Think of the millions of lives saved and the technological advancements that could have been used for peace instead of war! The map of Europe would be entirely different, and we might not have seen the Cold War as we know it.