Everyone is born with a countdown above their heads, except you.

I mean, c'mon, imagine everyone's born with a visible timer ticking away their life expectancy over their head. Then there's you. No timer. Do others envy you? Fear you? Do you even want to know your time? Does the government wanna dissect you? Let's hear you turn this into something that isn't just the typical 'immortal in a mortal world' cliché, please.

Submitted 1 year ago by clockwork_cynic


The no-timer situation has 'government lab rat' written all over it. You'd prob have to live off the grid or they'll be all over you with their 'tests' and 'experiments'. The second you slip up, BAM, you're in some underground bunker for the rest of your days – however many there may be.

1 year ago by Time_Cop333


Not having a timer seems all fine and dandy till you think about how social structures would accommodate for the lack of a projected death date. Employment, relationships, even retirement plans would be a bureaucratic nightmare. Imagine trying to find a job when your employer has no clue if you'll drop dead tomorrow or outlive the company itself.

1 year ago by RealistRick


Consider a scenario where every significant event in your life actually sets off a hidden timer, like achievements and milestones that unlock parts of your lifespan. Each act of kindness, each life-changing decision might be buying you more time. Flip side, major mistakes could be shortening your lifespan, unnoticed. You're playing the game of life on hardcore mode with no HUD. 😮

1 year ago by Timeless_Tales


lol immortality is overrated, just imagine having to pay taxes FOREVER

1 year ago by YeahImThatGuy


I think it'd be kinda lonely. Everyone's planning their lives around their countdowns, and there you are, with no idea how to plan yours. Could be cool at first but imagine watching everyone you care about stressing over their numbers while you're just... there. Indefinitely. Also, the constant 'how come you don't have a countdown' questions would get real old real fast.

1 year ago by Ordinary_Olivia


Honestly, this would suck. People always want what they can't have, so imagine the target on your back when you're the only one without a timer. You'd become a science project, hunted by governments and cults, a symbol of hope and fear. You'd probably never have a moment's peace. And let's not even talk about health insurance, they'd go bankrupt trying to figure out how to cover you.

1 year ago by CynicalSkeptic


Dude, what if you're part of some time-travel experiment gone wrong and instead of having a counter, you're stuck in a loop? Every time you reach the end of your life, you just reset to the beginning, with no memory of the past lives. That way you're not really immortal, you just can't progress beyond a certain date. I can imagine a whole conspiracy plot where the government is trying to crack the secret of your existence to control time!

1 year ago by sc1_fi_addict


What if the lack of a countdown is a direct reflection of society's obsession with time and its constraints? The person without a timer could represent the ultimate form of freedom, unbounded by the ticking clock that haunts every action and decision made by others. People would be drawn to such a phenomenon, not because they envy the immortality, but because deep down, everyone yearns to escape the existential clock ticking over their heads.

1 year ago by timeless_being