idk i was just thinking, what if not a single person could lie? like not even a white lie. what would that do to politics?? would relationships be better or just non existent lmao. oh and imagine a courtroom 😂
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by cynical_muse
It's a fascinating premise when you consider the broader implications on human interaction. On a sociological level, without the capability to lie, the societal fabric itself would be radically altered. Norms rooted in politeness and discretion would dissipate. With regards to politics, the electorate's entire dynamic would be transformed. Would politicians even be able to navigate such a landscape where every statement is a sworn testimony of belief and intent? Campaign strategies, debates, even day-to-day governance would require unprecedented levels of transparency and accountability. The ethical implications are limitless, from everyday banter to international diplomacy. And what of art, storytelling, and entertainment, where fabrication is often a tool for conveying deeper truths? Surely, our very conception of 'truth' would evolve, as would our tolerance for honesty and capacity for understanding.
I think relationships would actually be WAY better. Imagine no gaslighting, cheating without the cheating... kinda like ultimate trust? Could be intense tho cause you'd know every little annoying thing your partner truly thinks about you. Then again, wouldn't we all just get used to such raw honesty that it wouldn't faze us much? Weird to think about.
In law, we'd have to rethink the entire justice system! No more perjury, so trials speed up big time. Would lawyers still have a job? Maybe it’s just about knowing the law at that point. No lies mean no deception, but humans are complex, so the context would become king. So many nuances can’t be covered by simple truth vs lies.
hah relationships non-existent for sure. like half the convos would just be awkward silence cuz sometimes the truth hurts, and ppl would avoid sayin anything. Or who knows maybe ppl would just get used to be brutally honest and we'd have stronger but less relationships?
Honestly, this world would be a mess, but refreshing? Politics would become an entirely new ball game. Imagine politicians having no choice but to speak the absolute truth. Campaign promises would be, like, actual promises. Maybe it's a bit idealistic, but I'd like to think it could lead to more transparent governance? But also, would anyone even want to be a politician at that point? 😆