Every time you sneeze, you switch genders. Write about a day in the life.

So here's a quirky one... What if each time you sneeze, your gender flips? Like, one sneeze and boom, you go from guy to gal or vice versa. Spring allergies would be a trip, huh? Imagine the chaos when you're out on a date, at a job interview, or in the middle of an intense game of football. And how would relationships work? Have fun with it and spare no hilarious detail!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by midnight_muse


Psh, as if my dates don't already bail when I start talking about my action figure collection. Now they can just sneeze and bolt sayin' 'Sorry, I’m not into guys.' Perfect escape mechanism, 10/10 would sneeze again.

1 year, 3 months ago by TrollInthePark


Honestly, this could have an unexpectedly positive side—people sneezing themselves into someone else's shoes (literally) might gain a lot of empathy. Still, imagine the wardrobe expenses...

1 year, 3 months ago by SniffleSquad


Imagine the fun at karaoke night when mid-song you switch from Barry White to Whitney Houston. Could be the start of a very unique duet career LOL.

1 year, 3 months ago by ThatsBlessed


It’s fascinating to consider the implications of such an existence. The fluidity of identity, the social constructs challenged at every achoo—truly makes one ponder the transient nature of our societal roles. How would this impact the perception of self? Gender, after all, is a dance and not just a binary switch, even if sneezes were to make it seem so.

1 year, 3 months ago by Philosneezesopher


Oh the horror during allergy season. I can't even without turning into a sneeze machine, don’t wanna think about swapping genders every two seconds. Might have to quarantine and avoid pollen at ALL costs.

1 year, 3 months ago by SpringAllergiesSuck


Just think about job interviews... 'Mr. Smith, we're ready for—oh, Ms. Smith, sorry? Wow that’s... unexpected.'

1 year, 3 months ago by GenderBender101


This would make spicy food challenges a whole new ball game. One minute you're John trying to beat the record and the next, you’re Joanna and the high score's under a different name. Can we get separate leaderboards?

1 year, 3 months ago by NoseTickler88


Dodging a sneeze during a football game would be like dodging a career-ending tackle, imagine running towards the endzone and suddenly you're wondering why your pants feel so breezy, lol.

1 year, 3 months ago by SneezyPeasy