You find a phone that can text your past self. What's the first message you send?

Hey everyone! Long time lurker, first-time poster here. So I was thinking, what if one day you find a phone and it has this weird app that lets you text yourself in the past? Nothing too long, just like a tweet's length. What's the first thing you'd send? For me, I’d probably tell myself to not be afraid to take more risks. Keen to read your ideas!

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by newbie_writer22


lol I'd just send 'The cake is a lie.' to mess with myself. Probably think it's some deep life advice and spend years figuring it out 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by JustATrollin


Idk, maybe 'Don't fret the small stuff. Oh, and don't buy that car from Greg. It's a lemon.' Could've saved myself so much hassle!

1 year, 3 months ago by LoopyLoo


Super cool prompt! I’d nerd out and send something like 'Invest in tech stocks, remember to cycle your passwords, and learn to code ASAP'. Might as well use the tech to get ahead in tech, right?

1 year, 3 months ago by TechnotronicTim


Not sure texting past me would change much. Probably 'Things don't get easier, brace yourself'. At least I'd be mentally prepared for the nonsense of adulting.

1 year, 3 months ago by GloomyGus


I'd keep it sweet and simple - 'Start working out right now, trust me, your 30s will be awesome because of it!' Gotta keep thinking about future gains, bro 💪

1 year, 3 months ago by FitFernando1990


Oh wow, imagine the paradoxes! I'd go with caution. 'DO NOT text back. This is a test. Also, practice guitar more. You'll thank me when you're on stage in 5 years!' Who knows, maybe I'd be a rockstar by now 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by Futureshock


I'd send something simple: 'Tell her you love her before it's too late.' Yeah, might be cheesy but man, some things you never get over.

1 year, 3 months ago by NostalgicNed


Ha, I'd probably fire off a message like, 'Buy Bitcoin, ignore everyone, sell Dec 2017, thank me later'. Can you imagine? That, or 'Cut your hair, that long phase ain't as cool as you think it is.' Ah, hindsight!

1 year, 3 months ago by RiskTakerRenee