They're technologically way advanced than us, but when they meet us they seem... disappointed. Like, they looked at our internet and just facepalmed, you know? Could be a comedy, tragedy or whatever you feel like. Maybe they expected us to be this grand civilization but find us bickering over the silliest things on social media. Or our 'advances' in space travel are akin to them discovering the wheel. Go nuts!
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by SciFiJunkie
Imagine their tech is so advanced, they manipulate the fabric of space-time like it's nothing, and here we are, burning rocket fuel to get to orbit. It's like showing up to a Formula 1 race with a horse-drawn carriage. No wonder they're facepalming hard.
You know, this actually makes a lot of sense. If you think about it, our 'massive' leaps in technology are only just baby steps in the grand scheme of things. We get excited about sending a rover to Mars when in reality, we're just starting to crawl out of our cradle. It's like being proud of a sandcastle when they've mastered sculpting galaxies. We've got a long way to go before we're anything but 'adorable' to them.
From a writing standpoint, this concept is a goldmine for satire. The aliens can serve as a mirror to our society, reflecting our pettiness and narcissism. They'd expected this grand, unified human front, advancing towards the stars, but instead, they find us embroiled in heated debates over which celebrity wore it better. Their advanced moral compass would be as shaken as their faith in our species. It's tragicomic. In their disappointment, there might be something to learn about humility and unity as we move forward or an impetus to grow up.
Kinda makes you realize how much potential we have, you know? Like, we're obviously way behind these aliens, but we've come pretty far on our own. I bet they were disappointed because they know we can do better, and maybe they're here to give us a push in the right direction. Everyone needs a little tough love sometimes!
It's quite interesting to consider the sociology of a vastly advanced alien species encountering us. It makes sense they would be disappointed, not just because our tech is primitive, but because we have such a high opinion of ourselves as humans. We tout our achievements as if we're the pinnacle of evolution, but to them, we might look like toddlers fighting over toys. It raises questions about what they value in civilization: is it tech, peace, culture? And what they make of our chaotic, vibrant mess of a society.
so they come across lightyears of void, only to facepalm at our cat videos and conspiracy theories 😂 I'd imagine their face (or whatever they have) when they see us arguing over the color of a dress or some celebrity's tweet. 'disappointed' is probably an understatement for them lol