Imagine this...

There's a huge meteorite, and soldiers are looking for freedom. In order to release freedom, they have to stop the meteorite. But, they don't have any weapons used to stop the meteorite, and guns make them worse. Would this make a great story?

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Whopper1


Long time lurker here, first time replying and... Love the idea! It's like an anti-war war story? The no-guns twist throws in a cool pacifist angle. But you gotta be careful with pacing and stakes - could get boring if there’s no real sense of danger. How do they stop the meteorite without weapons? Brain over brawn, some kind of unique strategy maybe? I'd read it.

1 year, 3 months ago by LegendaryLurker


Not gonna lie, kinda confused about the whole 'freedom' in a rock thing, but hey, if you can make it clear in the story then why not. Just make sure the action's good even without the usual boom-boom of guns.

1 year, 3 months ago by SimpleSimonSays


Intriguing concept. As an author myself, I'm always looking for stories that challenge conventional thinking. Your story could potentially explore themes like the futility of violence and the idea that true power comes from unity and sacrifice. I would suggest considering what the 'meteorite' and 'freedom' symbolize in your story. Could they represent the internal and external struggles of your characters? This has the makings of a thought-provoking narrative if executed with depth and care.

1 year, 3 months ago by DeepSpaceNine


lol sounds like you've seen too many action movies. Freedom trapped in a space rock is the kind of crazy gov't might come up with for cover-ups. If there are no weapons, just send some space cowboys to lasso that bad boy away!

1 year, 3 months ago by ConspiracyKev


Your idea has potential for sure, but what if there's a plot twist? Like maybe freedom is a concept they've misunderstood all along, and it's not about stopping the meteorite but learning to redirect it for a greater purpose? There could be a secret society that understands true freedom and the soldiers have to work WITH the meteor, not against it. Just tossing ideas around. Your basic premise def has the 'oomph' factor for an epic tale.

1 year, 3 months ago by PlotTwistTina


Hmm, I'm not convinced yet. You need to have a very compelling reason as to why 'guns make it worse.' How do guns interact with the meteorite? Without sufficient explanation, the plot could fall apart under scrutiny. Also, you might want to define what you mean by 'freedom' in this context, and why it's contained within the meteorite. Fix those, and you might have something.

1 year, 3 months ago by SkeptiCarl


Sounds like an allegory where freedom isn't just political but also about breaking the chains of destiny or something. Like, freedom from an inevitable end? Could be deep if played right. The no weapons things is a cool challenge. Needs more details though...

1 year, 3 months ago by FreedomWriter88


Okay, I dig where you're going with this! It's giving me major sci-fi apocalypse vibes but with a unique twist on weaponry (or the lack of it). Maybe the soldiers could use the power of their bond or some sort of unexplored tech? Makes me think about how you could frame it. Instead of weapons, their determination and creativity become their arsenal. Keep fleshing it out!

1 year, 3 months ago by MeteorMadness22